Saturday, December 29, 2007

argyle socks...

Hey yalls. I were going to post a Happy Christmas! blog....but geee, Christmas went fasst. So, I hope everyone had a good one. Been busy with christmas activities......and tha Teeej, whos down for a whole ten days!

been drinkin cocoa and ciders, which are both delicious but dont compare to Lily's. She should probably bottle that stuff and sell it.

Today has the been the first day I can just sit around in quietness...its kinda annoying now that Im used to being with people all the time...

bleh....vacation bliss is sorta oozing away.

Next week Im back to business....which for now, is undisclosed mischeif.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I can't help but notice your balls are a bit mis-shapened

Pete Shweaty. He is the face of christmas cheer. So is Alvin, the chipmunk.

Im looking foward to Chistmas.

So, to celebrate: Pickles will be consumed!

yay pickles!

yaow! I saw a minx today...poor dear....maybe she can use me as her personal assistant...

I can dream, can't I?

Oh, speaking of dreams..... pickles!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

cheese whiz!

tick, tick, tick! whats that sound you might ask? Well, its the sound of this semester winding down! yesh! Now, I hope I don't forget, but before I go to lily's house to partay I have to take a test online.

The last test of the year! yesh!

Monday is also a party day. But its gonna be sad...erm, Im buying eat away the pain. Its my last day of painting class, and our instructor's last day teaching, ever. Im gonna miss that man, but his health should come first.

I baked cookies this evening.... ahhh...... they smell shfantastic! theres only twelve left, the mom and the sis hit. Those wankers ate lily's cookies!


now, did yall know that "woot" is officially the word of the year? Now I'll have to stop using it. Gee Whiz!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

like cheese through the hourglass

Today I took a personal sick day. I couldnt really get outta bed, for reasons I would not like to share.

Im feeling so much better now.

Missed a Shmee though...

...and a lily....

I didnt feel too bad about missing class. Ive only missed one other day....the first day of class.

Its been a while since I blogged. There is no excuse for my bumminess!

Yesterday, I was sitting in shmee's class.... when I heard, from behind the square unexplained pole: the voice of a grumpy, hairy man!

Discovery channel had a special about the search for sasquach in canada.... they are off the mark. He was at WCC just yesterday....but scurried away before anyone could photograph him. Kept hiding behind trees I dont remember being there before. Perhaps he just carries a tree with him, just in case.

I had a good hair day... Id like that to be known, since no one will see me today. I tried Shmee's tricks...they worked. Those years at Hogwarts have really paid off.

Just got done reading the dreaded last chapters of Half Blood Prince. They are the most scary, most heartbreaking chapters I have ever endured in all my years of reading....anything.

the second was a chapter of Tuck Everlasting.... Thats a good book too.

*cheese, take me away*

Thursday, November 15, 2007

blogging in tha dark

Well Ive sent the video public.
seems thats the only way.
It was a blast to make, but now I feel weird broadcasting myelf across the world.
eeeek! thats my face!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

melodrama gentle.
watch my video here!
be sure to have the volume on.

Monday, November 12, 2007

twinnklity sshlak

Today I finished my five minute movie for intro to film class. Im still working on sound. Ive managed to slip in a bsb song on the soundtrack.'s nice!
I have titled it "Dead Leaves" Because Thats all you hear on the audio through major parts. Crunch Crunch Crunch.

I would tell yall what this thing is aboot, but Im gonna post it soon so yall can see for yourself. I am acting in it as..... myself. Im pretty its was really like normal, except I had to say certain things, such as "Theres nothing nasty in this woodshed...." or something

I got so wrapped up in film making that I missed class. *Tear* I love painting....I skivved off a class I love! shocking.

I am so pitiful. Im tired, I have to get up early, and here I am, playing online. *nerd* thats me.

Now that Im done using up digital camera space filming, I can take pictures! yay! I want so dearly to go to down town Elkin and take pictures.....I may do that friday. The sis works in that part of town, so I avoid it at all costs.

Im looking for a Co op. after not looking for a couple o months I really need to find one... REALLY
If anyone reading this has suggestions: lemme know. I do have a couple o places in mind....

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A ticking clock in my head

Im curently enjoying 3 new music cds....and they are all quite different:
firstly, 3 days grace....they are awesome. yay! for angry music. There are times when that does help change my mood...and wake me up.

secondly, A Fine Frenzy in which Lily gave me. It is spectacular...So different than any other music I have. Like a breeze of fresh air. theres some songs that went on my playlist.... for those who dont know, I keep plalists of my all time favorite songs... its pretty long now. And I put one on my myspace...It worked for me!


thirdly: BSB! woot! Shmee made me a CD of their new one. Let me just say: that cd is awesome. I love it. Im putting a couple of those songs on my list too!


I have patterns, seasonally, apparently, where things make me so angry! grrr.... Im moving through it and trying not to even think about them. But, its hard when I keep getting reminded. And, believe me, its not just school related. There are several situations that just erk me...beyond annoyances.
And, I am not the type that just gets insulted, or hurt, or even annoyed over every little thing...but these things keep trying me.


Its torture not talking about them, but I run my mouth too much...and I keep getting reminded of things that happened last year and mistakes I myself have made(a good few things that happened basically all at once) even now, when I do not want think about them. So, Im saving my later self.


gosh Im tired

Wednesday, October 31, 2007



I like holidays that involved candy and mischief.

For the occasion, I have came to school as myself.

Shmee made a girl vomit. I won't elaborate on the occasion. I don't think it involved picking her nose either.

Thats all, really.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My goodness, my toe.

Aye. Ive noticed I forget things I was supposed to blog aboot. But, hey! Yall dont know yur missin anythang!

BY GOLLY! shvic needs lip balm and mittins.

I finally finished my test in marketing. Testing at home is NOT as great as you would think. Im so distracted! and I become so sleepy!
and, blackboard creates errors at precisely the wrong moment. Shame! Blackboard. Shame!

Hey shmee, can you hear the taters crying? *snicker*
Shmee andI found crumbled tater chips in the parking lot. We enjoyed a moment...

but hey, I laugh at most things.

One time my preacher started this acapella, almost edwardian chant like song. Im so ashamed. I had to duck under the pew.

Went to walgreens to pick up 3-d glasses. They didnt have any. and, luckily, I didnt have the shame of asking for them. An older lady did before me.
I saw a mask that was of the Burger king....hes always cracked me up.

I have a slick wig for tommarrow. I Am Not Wearing it to School. No!

oh, will you look at that? I need sleep!

Monday, October 29, 2007

brrr's and grrr's

Oh, man. Blogging in class isnt what its cracked up to be. Prying *beady* *snot-nosed* eyes.

Blackboard should be shot, I know that for a fact.

My stomach rumbles constantly, although I keep giving it things. Like like chicken. and and potatoes. Grrrrr.....said my tummy.

gee whiz, am I cold. But my heart is still warm.

Snicker is the new snort....or, was snicker first?

My mom found $100 in Wal-mart. We gave it to the Ass. Manager. haha..... Ass. Manager! We didnt want that kinda karma on our hands. So, if your missing some pocket change, the Ass. Manager has long blonde hair.

I getta wear a coat tommarrow! yay! I love wearing coats.
and pants.
and of course, socks.

kerr pow!

Wow! Ive been absent from the blogging world. But so has Shmee! Word.

Nothing happening. No trouble going down. No mischeif a brewin.

Except for shmee, who is mischeif personified.

Chad, youve been mentioned.

Word to Lily! A minx. I saw your piraty truck. word.

Cheese is pretty good. cold fingers and warm shoulders.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

bloggum shpink

Photography has taken on a new meaning for me, because now Im looking through some of my pictues, trying to find things to paint.

started last week on a scene from the boardwalk in Beafort.
its going good, but Im still looking for something spectacular.

It would help if I started photographing again.


You know you're a bum when the bummiest of teachers insinuates you are a bum.....

I have been doing better. I thought marketing was going to be super difficult, but it turns out that it isnt, just takes effort. Ive tured my school ways. I wouldnt call myself a bum.
I did get that mannequin done last week.
I finished all the modules (except the black hawk down one) for the whole semester in Intro to film
I havent turned in any assignments late in marketing.

Its a personal struggle, I suppose.

Reread Goblet of Fire( so much better than I remembered)..... or do next weeks case study....

Hark to lily....who just is not a kendra.....I cant even jokingly call her that. She just isnt.
She is, however, a minx.

Friday, October 12, 2007

151 countries, only one Sham.

So, my life at home revolves around a couple of internal struggles: a cat (who closely resembles Mrs. Norris, with a similar personality) who sits on the porch, or if shes brave, in the driveway, waiting for me, (and only me) to come home and let her come into the house, hand feed her and let her sit on my shoulder. This goes fine, as long as Ive got on a hooded sweater, and if my guardian Sham doesnt see.

Sham hates the before mentioned cat. She has a very good reason. That cat is hateful! As I sit here typing, she blocks the screen and bites my fingers.

but I love her!

when I let her (did I say let? I mean, when she climbs up) on my shoulder, she purrs. Its so sweet!

Sham goes into fits of rage at the very sight of that scrawny, grey stripped cat. Sham bites, growls, barks and jumps, all at the same time.

I usually have scratches all over me afterward.

For the past two weeks......thats my afternoons. Dont look at my shoulders and think Im being abused at home. Its just the cat.

but I love her!

Thats all, really.
A mannequin calls.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Ho, Ho, Ho Green Apple!

Saturday I went to applefest. I looked at stuff. I saw some people.....
you know, the same stuff I do at wal-mart.

Super glad lily could accompany me! she was an applefest first timer.
Saw shmee. she had in her posse a red headed hairy man.....
couldnt really pay much attention to anything, especially in that bookstore. There was a whole section of sleezy pirate romance novels.

Broke my apple swatter. I swat hard.

Oh! Criss Angel is on TV.....give me a moment!

this is fall break, and Ive set up some goals. I dont feel like sharing them right now.

er....would type more, but, its lunch time.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I saw a sandwich

....where my cheese should be.

so its been a week since I last blogged. Im a bum, and I have a bum!

Today was the first really chilly day, morning and in the afternoon Ive experienced in months. Although, I get cold easily. I had to wear socks.


did anyone go to pupkin festival? eh, me neither.

savin meself for the apple fest. yay! but, not looking forward to those crowds. gotta sharpen my wenis, I think.

fried apple pies!

bloomin apples!


Im excited. its been a couple of years.

hold on....its almost october Already? NO!!!!!!!! man....

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Drops of jupiter!

well, well, well. Saturday, I could have been saying yay pell grant! but I got some sort of letter instead. Thanks! it was from the "controller" whomever that might be. Do they just make up job descriptions and fake names and weird excuses for not mailing my pell grant? Whatever....Id rather go fetch it myself anyways.


accidently tried to blend a spoon in a blender. that wasnt least I know the blades are sharp...or, they were. accordance with shmees blog Id like to add to things that I learned from jo rowling's astronomy lesson. Just exactly where Uranus is! hahaha.......I personally was moved by that scene.

oh, and apparently there will be loads of fog tonight....

Friday, September 21, 2007

some reasons I dont smoke reefer:

That title is not a confession. I am under no influence. except that of my peers. (lately, those peers have

What? is it only friday?

I should be sleeping. I probably will have to get up early. Thats if I want to shower, that is. I may change my mind in the warm blanket.

But I wanted to paint the nails. Dark Dark purple. That means 4 coats to make the desired color, including two black ones.

oh, the smell of nail paint.

just spelled smell smail.....thats not right.

as of sunday.....trashiness will be outta season. Dang it! I dont follow the rules though.

I dont listen very well.

Short Attention span.

Hey....a sandwhich!

theres a hair down my shirt. Its not attached.

Going to Apple fest. its been a while!

going to ren fest! woot! If not, that cape will be completely useless. Id have to wear it to school. Shmee would have to pretend she didnt know me....that, or Id have to act like Im in a that only I am in.

Sloop. now thats an awesome word.

people say awesome all the time. but they hardly ever use the word awe.
I guess with an accent it would sound like I was saying all.
dang that mountain slang!
haha....I rhymed.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

yar! scurvy rogues!

Well, today I had a reason for using pirate slang. Its national "Talk like a pirate day!" woot! If i had known in advance, my day would be no different than any other day.

I have a problem with the graphic avenger. where were you when I needed you? hrmm? rubiks cube sound familiar?

Why did the avenger look like chad? Somethings fishy.

many may feel the avenger shouldve came to my aid many times. But, I NEVER used comic sans. ha!

hate to be judged when Im still learning. kinda like in painting. Dont look at my painting when its half done. all paintings look bad half way through.


In high school, I stuck to black and white because every time I added color I ruined it. Garrr! Its going that way again.

but Im super super picky. That color has to be perfect.

*hey lily* you know, I couldve just talked like a saucy minx. So, to you, the reader: you crusty cankerblossom!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

no, no, no! you great stupid pastry!

well....pastries dont have to be smart. but they do gotta be delicious. and fresh. and cream cheese should be involved.

as is true for most things.

gotta hair cut. dont recognize meself. but, hey! I have the same face, luckily!

ahhh, painting tommarrow! sweet! painted over the weekend a forest fire. twas great fun!

found an old note I had written in high school. In it, I called the girl I was writting to a cheese whore. She in turn called me a cake whore. er....cant say exactly why. I laughed though. those old notes are so funny! my friend was so much funnier than I remembered her being. She and I dont talk much.....we're both too lazy to call.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

...and at that moment, I wished I was a small boy with circular glasses...

circular glasses and a wand!

dont blog much on a regular basis anymore. Thats because nothings going on!

*missing us a lily minx/sauce pot*

learned recently that a cheese eater is also known as a snitch in some areas of the country. I am shocked! Just to be clear, thats NOT what I was trying to say when I accused shmee of eating cheese. She actually like the food product known as cheese.

dont feel bad, I do too.

today, jalepeno poppers. *sigh*

Friday, August 31, 2007

shvic and the loo, and what she found there

Its hard to blog stories....they always seem to ramble....but I need to share! Beware, though, this story is not for the feint of heart....or something.

Several days ago, I woke in the wee hours of the morning. 4 in the morning. Nature called. *nuff said* unwilling to fully wake up, I decided NOT to turn on the light, unless it was just too dark. I peered into the shadowy toilet room, focusing on the loo.

*something dark lingered inside*

wearry, fearing the worst, cursing the fact I had to wake up, I flipped on the switch.


There, inside the toilet....was a mouse. I stood, gazing, transfixed, trying to figure out if it were alive or not. It wasnt moving. It was submerged in water, and not moving.

Now, if it were moving, I would have rescued it. Even nasty rodents dont deserve to die in a toilet.

But, it was dead, and in the toilet. so, deciding that I couldnt deal with it on my own.....and my sister's reaction would be....ahhh priceless, I left it there, used the other loo on the other side of the house and went to bed.

Hey, four in the morning, half asleep isnt a great time to make decisions!

Throughout the night....strange dreams followed this traumatic experience. The most vivid of which, my sister saving the mouse and keeping it as a pet. *something she might have done*


so 8 a.m. roles around. Finally, her noisey, early morning ramblings will comeback to bite her! HAHA......

So she opens the door. I layed in bed waiting.....

She could either not see it and use the loo and then see it, or see it, or just not see it at all.....


five seconds after those thoughts occured in my mind...she squeals! saying mommy! theres a mouse in the toilet.....

mom comes down

she screams and leaves

anywho, after this, I think mom closed the lid, crossed her fingers and flushed.

This story is a lesson to always look before you sit, always close the lid before bed, and a mouse in the toilet is always good for a few laughs...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


this is my painting period. I skiived. I danced in the rain all the way to my old classroom. *cough*

four day weekend coming up!

death to chicken tenders!

Friday, August 24, 2007

darling, your exposed!

I realize that I eat a lot of junk. And yes, I am ashamed. But, if you had tasted the delicious creation that is an oreo cakester, you wouldnt want to put away the second cake in the package either. They are a tiny, delicious, lil chocolate tease! *burr* its cold in this house! ****yarrr! pirates life is the only life! yay johnny depp! ......and stuff ***** Been working hard to get caught up with my online classes. missed a couple of assignments waiting to get added to blackboard. ****joe whos cheap will be getting my business tomarrow. Boone isnt bad in the summertime. *No comment on boone in winter.*

Thursday, August 23, 2007

trashy in the summertime, trashy in the fall!

Thursday is my new friday.

Started painting yesterday. Ive claimed it to be my new hobby. Im currently in the market for good brushes, that arent too expensive. That means a trip to Cheap Joe's! yay!

Saturday morning thats were Im headed. Boone!
But, saturday afternoon, Im going to a minx's house. Or, at least thats my plan at the moment. Im gonna steal a shmee. *giggles*

Sleep tomarrow!

Now, I havent given up my job search. There are a few places Ive been meaning to send my resumes to....but gee! schools got me distracted!

online classes, are a great idea. IF your teacher remembers to add you to the roster. Ive gotten sorted out though. Now, everything is good! yay!

Are we out for labor day?

Monday, August 20, 2007

theres a new sheriff in town

well, lily is our captain. but, Ive sailed some ships in my day....*shwink*

or something.

So Im now an official student....broo haha- to professors.

speaking of professors, I know tater is not imaginary after all. Hes real! I saw him! Shmee and I cat-called him.

There are, however, certain people Im beginning to think I imagined in my head. Shat, for one. I havent seen proof that he exists in months....the cafe lady seems to think she saw him, but he pretended not to see she says......

okay, obviously there isnt much to type a-boooot. Garrrr, shmee. its been hot.

*hi lily, dearest sauce pot*

Thursday, August 16, 2007

hark, a wenis!

slid around the school today, drenched in sweat. It was hot! Shmee is probably to blame.

almost got every thing worked out. *yay*

original orlando!

no school tomarrow...*yay again*

Shmee and I picniced.

I got defered...*wow*

parked at loni's, beat the crowd. *snigger*

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

*wind in my hair*

okay okay okay. that blog was written a bit hasty. Ill make a final decision about classes thursday. at 12:30, shmee and I are having free lunch in commons. Everyone is welcome to join us. Im a sucker for first day of classes.

over the weekend, classes didnt enter my mind. Instead, I made a few realizations.

first of all, surely, the back of a convertable at night with the top down is the only way to travel. Its like a coaster, except not as scary. and more comfortable. I finally get why people want a convertable.

wow...somehow, that twenty minute drive went on and on. twas great. just another reason to love summer.

next, I learned the place I once attended high school is no longer there. they tore it down and replaced it with a multiple story box. even more prisonlike, if thats possible.

the football field is still the same. tj's lil bro is playing football this year. hes a freshman.
*I met him when he was a small lad*
*boy hes grown. hes the same age as tj when I met him. thats disturbing.*

and, fire mountain is not a good place to eat breakfast. do not wake up early just to eat their gravy. eww.

peanut butter oreos surpass nutter butters. and thats saying something.

has anyone ever tried peanut butter pie? with cream cheese and a nutter butter cookie crust? it is one of the best church cook out deserts ever. its tied with oreo dirt cake. purrr.
dont waste your appetite on cold casseroles. go for cream cheese based deserts instead!

Monday, August 13, 2007

your mom watched the youtube debate.

Shloni, your help does mean a lot to me. I wasnt too worried about that letter, theyve never denied me money...

there are other things that I have to work through. the whole schedule is messed up. partially it was my fault, partially, I cant figure out what happened...

one of my classes disapeared. campus cruiser help desk says it was dropped. they said that if that wasnt right to call. I called. I waited, while strawdancing, while the lady searched for the drop form. wasnt there. I havent dropped any of classes, though there was one I needed to drop. It would have been awesome if it was the class I needed to drop.

anywho, she didnt have my hand written registration form, so therefore couldnt tell me anything. or help me. thats all fine because I really only need to add it back.

then drop the class I need to drop.

then add the class I was gonna take.

all this without knowing for certain whether I can pay for them?
all this for classes I dont need?

thats when I decided to just skip this semester.

well, the money and classes aside....I really want a job. honestly school was starting to get me down. Seeing you guys was really the only reason to take classes this semester.
So tomarrow im off on a job search. a serious one.

but, im still gonna visit. thursday Im still gonna be there. *free food!*

yall let me know when youve got free time. still wanna have lunch once in a while.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

oh, blah!

Its looking like Ive gotta be two places at once monday...Im choosing the one that seems more promising.

theres four plastic cups in front of me. I plan on stomping, and crushing them. Im in that type of mood.

missing a couple of minx's, a lot right now, because Ive got issues. They always have ranging opinions about stuff. Helps to sort things. Shmees good for sorting out things. When Im alone I can not sort things in my head.

Had a headache for about 3.5 days now. It comes and goes according to painkiller consumption. Been grinding my teeth and chewing on the side of my mouth. sorry if that grosses you out.

last night, got to watch a show that is slowly becoming my favorite. mind control with darren brown. Theres one thing I tried. it worked. Im ecstatic. Hes not magical, he just understands human thinking more than most people. his show comes on after ghost hunters. Last night, were three hours of reruns, but the episodes were awesome! oh, how I loved them.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

just jump in a mud puddle

this blogs for shloni: whats a deferment, and why do I need it? who do I call? I called the school yesterday about some other luscious things thats went wrong with my schedule...she didnt mention anything. I mean anything.

I wrote to tater, did he get my letter? is that what the deferments about? this shvic is confused. shes lost.

*all I know is to twirl*

yeah. I called the woman they told me to call. She didnt say how to fix the problem, just wanted to figure out what happened.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

farewell, ye bum...

I guess Im becoming redundant, but as of today, I havent received notification about whether or not Im getting financial aid. thats the deciding factor on whether or not Ill be taking classes.

Now, whether or not I do take classes, I will still be working either way. I think its about time I said good bye to the bum life, anyway.

Whatever happens though, Im sure we'll work out times when we can all eat lunch together, if not everyday or it may have to be dinner or weekends...whatever...we can do it! word! We'll all be in the same town, or same county at least, Im sure.

I would hate to give up classes, although I knew I would have to eventually...I still was looking forward to one last wild and crazy shenanigan filled school year. So....still waiting to see what happens.

Some reading this might be wondering why I dont call the school myself to find out...well, I am. Im giving them the rest of this week, since I called them with some very accusatory statements earlier this summer.

*wingardium wenis-osa!*

Monday, August 06, 2007


haha: thats like the er, counter spell to u-no-poo

haha...laughing at my own joke.

word, to cheese.

this is the most pointless blog ever.


levicheesus! thats a good one too.

Accio cheese

Thursday, August 02, 2007

cheese sandwich!

So, this summer seems to have brought a lot of changes my way.

First, and most dramatically, I learned what really goes down in the made up wizarding world of Jk Rowling. Shes a minx. An evil minx. I think shes gonna make an encyclopedia of all the characters and critters: their backgrounds, what happens to them in the future...etc. Thats going to be awesome!

Next, I was beginning to think, and still am in the back of my mind that I may not get to go to school in the fall due to money issues. This is still unresolved, I have a few more days to wait. Either way I know they will contact me. Im okay with it either way, this semester I wasnt taking any required classes. I only have one class to take and a luscious co-op...both can go down in the spring.

And last, something I never though Id say: TJ and I are talking about getting married, sometime. It sounds bigger than I think it is, because, er, we've already been together forever, so it seems. This next step seems natural. But, its not happening any time soon. *sigh* ive got things I gotta take care of. School, and a job, most of all.

whatever. this weekend I might hang out on the beach, cuz Im coming home next week! I miss everybody!

Can some one please tell me how to spell sandwich? I cant do it!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

no! not my wenis!

holy shenanigan! school's coming up!
still unsure about my financial aid. havent got my award letter. the mid-summer request for more proof that I was completely honest...put me back.
*gots my fingers crossed*
they waited til the middle of summer to ask for it, and then said they wouldnt review my request for financial aid until they got like I think it was 4 pages of forms to be filled out and signed by me and my parents and copies of everyone in my family's tax forms and w-2. all also signed.
I wouldnt even mind jumping through hoops that have been set ablaze if they give me a bit o money, otherwise, its to the saw mill for me!

eeek! I get a sinking/cold feeling in the pit of my stomach just thinking about it, especially when I realize I havent got my letter yet, and its like, what? a week and a half til school?


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

ooh! you look much tastier than crabbe and goyle, harry!

Starting to wonder if anything matters now that I know the truth...Harry Potter-wise I mean. I loved that book. The anticipation, though, got the best of me. there were a few things, now that I have started to reread thats left me disappointed. and, dang it, I cant share them here. Im not in the habit of spoiling things.

although, its Tuesday and young ladies, you should be done by now. shmee, I saw is. I dont really think life will be the same.

well, now, Im not saying that HP is that important...important enough to determine my own happiness. But for years its been one of my favorite things in life. some people have baseball, some have nail painting, some have nose picking.....I have hp.

Saturday I was asked "why dont you just watch the movie?" um, huh? yes, that makes sense. who needs to read anyway? I mean...

okay okay Ill stop.

I understand that some just don't get. and that is fine. Id rather not have to explain myself constantly, or at all, though.

anywho, Id like some lunch. rejoice dear readers though: this is probably my last hp blog. sadly theres nothing left to say.

Monday, July 23, 2007

thats not you-know-who, guys. thats a basilisk!

Yesterday I emerged from Harry Potter, for good. The book was amazing...Im still thinking about everything that went on and was revealed...gotta reread the whole, that might take a while.

Currently rereading said book, the first time I read it I think I missed a couple of things. My eyes are bothering me so Im taking it slow.

Yesterday, I saw two people that I never thought I would see together. Seeing them, I almost walked into a door frame. I waved feebley in their direction. After seeing them, though, the fact that they would get along made perfect sense. Sorry I cant elaborate.

Thats the second pair of people whom I never thought would date, and yet go together er, perfectly, although, Im still gagging. Its a small world, I guess.

my colin creevey referece is a lil bittersweet now. not gonna say why.

the two people whom Jk rowling hinted were gonna die: just wondering which two? er, jo went overboard. is she angry? especialy violent? gosh, shes really trying to break my heart. She tried. Im still upset about 3 seperate people. One of whom, in my opinion had suffered enough. They were finally happy. darn it, jo!

awkward giggle...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

we'll be safe here in the gas chamber!

So, less than a day and a half until I get my hands on Harry. I found a clue in chamber of secrets, that I dont want to share just yet. Told mom, but she didnt want to hear.

spoilers should be hung by their ankles. they ought be shamed. I may have to hold off getting online for awhile, just so I dont happen upon revealed secrets.

realized that I might as well be colin creevy. he was almost hit by a rogue bludger because he was trying to take a picture. that could have been me.

this blog is turning out to be completely pointless. Im not sorry.

a man with a strong accent called me proclaiming that I, yes me! have been pre-approved by some unnamed person to recieve vip treatment on some vacation! woo! then he asked my age, and promptly told me that I, yes me! did not qualify! silly telemarketer had to turn me down...*snigger* I didnt lie about my age either.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

wenis flashing

how the summer floats by. like two pirates on a wide river. *snigger* this fall, when it cools down, we are planning to do some wonderful outdoors stuff: such as camping, and tubing, picnicing, hiking......etc. unfortunately, its just too hot right now.

harry potter! an inside source has told me that harry is at walmart....waiting for me. wont blog during those days. assume my nose is in a book. otherwise, pouting, or recuperatting.

spent the day again with the granny. didnt laugh much, except on the inside. she doesnt have a sense of humor.

hopefully got everything settled with financial aid....gots my fingers crossed and my toes, and legs, currently.

Shmee's worst fears have been confirmed... I saw the pictures, shmee. *gag* mostly.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I know the cheepest there is!

Im proud to say I blog steady. *snigger* that dont sound right.

It may not be appropriate, but I just slurpped up the cheese in a cup they give you at taco bell with chips. I didnt eat any chips. Thats the best fake cheese in the whole world!

Ive got some cold feet. I aint got no socks on. You know what that means.

having trouble with the financial aid department at school. applying just online wasnt good enough. they also wanted a whole list of other stuff. I didnt learn of such until very recently...communication break downs Im afraid.

well, would blog more, but Harry potter!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

there must be a wrackspurt in here

Wrackspurts get me a lot.

went tubing yesterday with lily, a mighty conquerer. taned, burned, worked out, relaxed....had a great time! yipee.....tan lines!

hair musta turned even lighter, because peoples at church finally noticed I had lightened it. Alas, its been 2 months. actually gonna dye it soon. maybe red, cough.

visited relatives this morning. up to their normal, grumpy selves. pleasant relative from outta town was visiting. didnt see him though. my old day care was demolished. my play ground is under rubbish.

hung out with lily and shmee....twas great fun.

Ive called shmee numerous times throughout this weekend, snigger. A couple of times I called when I knew she wouldnt pick up, just for mischeiviousness.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

harry potter!

2 weeks without blogging. Shameful, perhaps, but Im not alone. I have reasons, but I realize no one really wants to hear them. The summer is supressing everyones fingers, thought processes, freetime, and socks that are curently trapped in the second drawer of dressers across america.

Trashy always prevails as well as illiteracy.

Photographed a wedding with lily last saturday. yall may have heard she was planning to make grilled foods later, but thats not half of it. I was reunited with pickles. and cheese was stuffed into the burgers. Thank you, lily for making my dreams come true.

you all missed it, but Im sure you all have your reasons...dont be ashamed. I had a good time with out you.

yesterday, saw harry potter. maybe I was supposed to see it with the ladies but that wasnt looking hopeful, so I went with my other ladies. Still going again with lily friday.

it was amazing. thats the only word for it. the best one yet. cant wait to see it again, and again.

bought two posters, one of dumbledore's army and one of harry and the thestrals. they look good with several pirates. I already had a really old poster of philosopher's stone.

I was excited about the movie, but the book is what Ive really been waiting for. I want that book. Ill need a couple of weeks privacy after that.

feeling weird towards everything. annoyed about things that would never annoy me before, and worrying about things I didnt used to. other things seem really stupid to me.

Wondering why I even bothered with somethings. not certain things in particular, just stuff I keep remembering during events in my life. cant remember why I cared, mostly.

Luna Lovegood was spectacular.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I dont look as cute drooling on myself.

Basically, Im obsessed with my dog, Emma. Maybe no ones noticed.

She also goes by "shemmie, sham, shemmie-sham and shem buck tu, and pork chop. Maybe this isnt healthy. But gosh shes so cute! All summer, shes really been the only thing Ive been able to photograph. I like the pictures because she looks so happy. It makes me happy.

Tomarrow, Ill be on my way home.

Harry potter! these ads are getting me all excited.

kreacher! hrm.....

TAPS did nothing for me last night. darn. Didnt even bother watching Destination Truth. He never finds anything. He always works in the dark. How are you gonna see big foot in the dark, and in south america? Everyone knows all you need is to drive to Ashe...he lives there, *giggles* and he has shiny hair *snigger*

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


yesterday I had a birthday. That means I got cake. It was delicious. *sigh* cake.

still sitting in the fridge, waiting for me.....ahhh more cake later.

TJ was super good to me all weekend and yesterday. Its really a test of how good a guy treats you on your birthday. I like TJ, hes too good to me sometimes, I think.

I love cake.

Harry Potter!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

charms club

I accused shmee of being a naughty unblogger. I am unashamed shmee. but, I gotta give it to her: at least she does blog consistently. Lily does too. Yay for my girls!

harry potter!

ghost hunters: sweet!
love me some tango. cant say why

criss angels trick: unconvincing, but he did it with style. still cant figure out his levitating. does anyone have a clue how he did it? its his best, I think.

harry potter! yay!

I saw a new commercial the other day with new scenes of snape getting inspected. Tehe! cant wait. So excited. july 11th, kids. thats 20 days away, and counting. still a ways off, so people who are reading mine, shmees, and lily's blogs still have to endure the repetitive:

harry potter yay!

sorry, broo haha!

after the movie comes out, theres also a book to look forward to ten days later. Sweet!

got a party coming up to look forward to before then. I cant wait for that. Lily throws a mean summer bash. We get wild.

not that wild, shmee. your coming. thats a threat. I know where you sleep.

I found some Orlando to end all orlandos. Newman's own. find it at McDonalds, or the grocery store. it is sweet, tangy and spicy. just like the other orlando. ahh.......orlando.

oh, what?

yay, harry potter!

if i was a student at hogwarts, i would be a member of charms club. most definately.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

like cheese through the hourglass...

I poked. I proded. I dug. I disinfected. I poked some more. Only to discover that the lead *cough* or graphite, whatever.....has become one with my finger.

My finger, and the once chunk of lead-graphite stuff is one in the same. I poked the lead. it hurt. I attempted to pull it out. Alas, my finger stung as if I were pulling out finger meat. if that makes sense. Aye, I will continue to try.

The lead is exposed to the open air. it was right there! but it hurts.


someone informed me that if i would just dig in and get it with one huge cut it would all be over. But, I decided to try a little bit at a time. They offered to do it for me. I declined with a heck no!

Have yall seen saw? That will not be me, except with a finger. and only a tiny portion of one. Ive not been kidnapped and my life and the life of my family doesnt depend on it.....I also did not star in the princess bride. *sigh*

*giggles* I like cary elwes.

oh, guess what?

Harry potter! yay!

Well, I havent decided to give up, but there is nothing wrong with my finger being a conversation piece. Im not ashamed.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

....and these are the phalanges of our lives

Ive been trying to pull out the lead thats been lodged in my finger for years. before recently, I didnt care either way, because I never saw it, it was at a weird angle on the side, and it didnt bother me.

It came into being when my cousin accidently jammed his mechanical pencil into my finger. (I say accidently because I would never accuse him of anything without evidentiary support of him having a reason to want to stab me. Now, of course, he probably would stab me. If the incident had occured a year later, then I would have said he did it on purpose.) He was the clumsy sort. It didnt really hurt, and he felt bad about it.

Years later, its still there. A conversation piece, some would say. Many say its probably not healthy to have a chunk of lead in ones finger. But, mechanical pencils really dont use lead anymore, they use less harmful graphite, or something.

Anywho, I decided to take action, with the help of peer pressure. Seemed easy enough.

So Im a lil less tolerant of the pain that follows a sharp object widling away on my finger. er, I couldnt get to the lead. It hurt, guys. But I havent given up. Just gotta plan ahead a numb the finger in ice water to continue...

So, I guess my phalange drama will continue later this afternoon. But thats really all thats going on this afternoon. sad, I know.

Monday, June 18, 2007


yes. Im addicted to cheese. is it wrong to want cheese in my dinner somewhere? hrmmm?

if dinner doesnt have cheese, I feel empty inside.

I miss shwilkes bk. there, they understand what youre saying in the drive through. double doesnt sound like triple, not even up here, in a pretend yankee place. they just arent similar words.

I heard a mouse in the vent. it squeeked. what else squeeks in small crevices?

Harry potter, yay!

Coming home the 29. 11 more days. Im counting down.

had a revelation last night, but then fell asleep. Cant remember what it was.

lunch is needed, right now.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

birthday cake flavored ice cream!

So, this summer is probably my last summer of freedom. Freedom to be a bum. Yes, I should be working, or doing something worth-while for my community, or improving myself, but no. Im sleeping instead. A lot.

Im in virgina, near the beach. Havent actually been to the beach while up here. The high-light so far would prally be coldstone creamery. was life changing. Birthday cake remix. *sigh*

Wouldnt say Im having a super dandy time, but there are perks. Like coldstone creamery. Seeing TJ everyday is fun too, not talking dirty-ish. The whole talking to him everyday at lunch thing got er.....whats the word.......redundant. or something. It seems pushed on the weekends when I knew he was leaving the next day. Does that make sense?

Well, knowing that he wont be leaving tomarrow lets us be more light-hearted and carefree (still undirty, thank you) like we used to be when we lived in the same area code. Almost feels like we are completely different people when we are apart. So weird and hard to explain.

Whatever. Coming home near the end of the month. Got some harry potter to take care of. Yay! Harry Potter.

I miss lily and shmee. Now that I dont see them everyday, Im having withdrawls. Miss everyone, really. Mourning already the passing of our happy graphic design classes life. Cause next semester: boring "required" classes.....bleck.

Gots to get a class changed before next semester starts. keep forgetting.

Im gonna stop because this blog seems exceeding long.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

101 spotty blogs....

get it, instead of spotty dogs.....snigger....stop your eye rolling! Im trying here!

101 is almost as awesome as 100.

Todays blog is about Criss Angel, my new favorite guy. He's an illusionist. *sigh* His stunts or acts are spectacular. I dont really believe hes doing any of that stuff, such as levetating, getting buried alive, or reading peoples minds. But, he does the tricks so well! Hes exciting. Hes really good at what he does. He could make me float off the street of las vegas if he wants, any ol day.

Another thing, Ghost hunters! yay! I like the way they try super hard to debunk the ghosties. They went to ireland, was it? An old castle ruins....awesome place. I wanna visit.

Speaking of ireland, they blame mischeif on fairies. I think I will too. Oh gee, I ran out of gas. If only I hadnt flipped off that fairy tree.

My favorite show, gilmore girls, (who does this surprise?) is in reruns everyday, twice a day. Todays 11 o clock episode was great. I want to watch at five, but that would ruin tommarrow, since they play the 5 at 11 the next day.

my other favorite show, that 70's show, is in reruns about 15 times a day on various channels. I cant watch anymore I know every episode by heart.
There is only one other show I can say that about: Andy Griffith. please, dont ask why.

Monday, June 04, 2007


Yowch! look out! This heres my hunderth blog. Just felt like talkin country.

Harry Potter

Chipotle ranch withdrawls

still aint got no socks on. dont worry, I am wearing pants.

got some dishes to scrub, laundry to warsh, and a shower to take and blogging instead.

cant find "you dont have to call me darlin" to put on my myspace profile. erm, if you didnt know, that is the best country song ever written, closely before "broken heartsville" by joe nichols. Followed by "something like that" by Tim McGraw.

This has been country music in review. Maybe tomarrow, Ill be over country stuff. and then, Ill learn how to spell tommarrow? or tomarrow? to lazy to find out right now.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Trashy prevails!

oh hi! Happy June, officially. I love June. Yay June! Couldnt be happier about a new month begining than I am when June starts. Have no idea why.

Got some lovely news: they are making a Harry Potter theme park in Florida. Sweet! So exciting. They could do a lot with the whole magic theme. I think its gonna open in 2009. Yay!

Its officially been a week since Ive worn socks, and there are no plans to put any on. Trashiness prevails! I may be trashy until september.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

yo, ho!

After I returned from the beach, I basically scoffed at everyone for not blogging. Now, however, I see how easily done it is. But hey, nothing has happened. Its summer, after all.

But, heres a brief summery of whats went down:

Went to see poc3 it were the best one yet, matey. Saw it with a pirate. And a 75% of my family. The other 25% joined us later at a pirate resteraunt. Lily was shocked to find out she is a celebrity in my home. Shmee is too, she just hasnt found out yet. I had a great time. It was the highlight of my summer, so far.
I think something better is coming though. Harry Potter!!!!!!! This time, shmee is going to be there. No questions, shmee. You are going to be there. Thats a threat shmee. We miss you too much. I know where you live, you sauce pot.

Became blond. It was shocking for the first er.....6 days. Took two times (by times I mean bleaching kits, *cough*) to become light enough and a box of dye to be the right shade....already seeing this will be a lot of work. Finally realized I like it though, for the moment. After the yellow neutrilized. Sandy isnt bad. I think, all in all, though, brunette is my shade. brown is good. I'll be there again, but not for a while. Too much hardships currently to give it all up so fast.

Mom was drooling over the blonde. Maybe she should go that way, and leave me alone.

Miss everyone from Graphic Design. Ive started calling it GD! not just gd.....GD! sounds angry, or exciting. I like drama....its summer!

happy june, um tommarow? yes. tomarow. Have I mentioned its my favorite month?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

salty sauce pot

Hey yall. First off, Im sorry everyone was sick earlier, but I hope by now everyone is getting better.

Next, Ive just gotten back from the beach today. It was a lovely trip, and I sincerely completly and am massively appreciative towards lily and her sauce-pot mom for having me along. I had a great time. Lots of pictures to load tomarrow....check em out on flickr!

Got a ear burn....nothing much else to mention, not when compared to the sun fair lily got. She and I shell searched mostly, because we delicate ladies couldnt swim in such cold elephants.

learned some new quotes. British born ones. Cant repeat them, they are that inappropriate.

laughed a lot. sniggered a lil. giggled excessively at the wrong times. Learned caffeine is not a myth.....lily still says it is.

saw some old pirate booty......nice

wind blown nose picking

missed shmee, old sauce pot *unfortunate giggling*

cant wait to call someone "farty-pants" *more sniggering*

Still havent seen what was nasty in the woodshed

Pirates on friday *sweet!*

sandy wenii.....salty philanges!

"there be no butter in hell."

my bed is calling me

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

old pirate booty!

Hi yall! this is my pre-beach blog. Ill miss you guys, but since blogging is sparce lately, Id prally miss yall anyways. Have a good week, though...........This computer for some reason doesnt let me press enter, thats why there are no paragraph breaks. Just try to follow me. sorry. Im trying to use the........Hope it helps........Shmee, keep drinking that orange juice. Im sure your scurvy....uh......"bug" will be gone in no time. Feel better, pal.........hoping for a tan......not a burn...................Cant wait to see some old pirate booty.....thats right, I said it......theres a museum showing some blackbeard stuff......itll be shawesome, seeing the pirates life of the past, me being close friends with a pirate of the present........yall take it easy

Monday, May 14, 2007

guilt free bumming!

good day, blog friends. So, first official day of summer holiday was lovely. I do miss my friends. Seems weird and unlikely that the semester is already over. Graduation is today. At first the plan was that shmee and I were going, and afterwards lily and were heading to the grove. Leave for the beach early next day. Poor shmee has a bug so she decided not to go. Lily and I both agreed we didnt need to eat out afterwards, and lily needed to get stuff done at home before I make my way over. So, Im skipping graduation and just going over to lilys this evening. That way I can eat dinner and see the family before we go. So.....expect lotsa pictures next week.

Friday, May 11, 2007

I smell shmee's fudge.....or, I did

HI its the last day of school, and I have one thing to say: My name is NOT ron rice. If your looking for him, hes not here.

If this summere, the people who are reading this, thats you: I have aim, I just cant remember my screen name. Give me yours...and I will add you.

Thats all, really.

Ill prally blog again er.....monday?

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Good day, fair blog readers. Not much to write upon. Ill say it again: our semester is almost over. Sweet!

Cheese is good.

Some delightful things are a'happenin' this summer.....All I can say is: Harry Potter!

Shmee keeps smurfs in her pocket....amoungst other things, and she wont share.

Shloni's paper is awesome.....really enjoying this issue.

Friday, May 04, 2007


Today, I learned Shmee desires to touch wet and slimy things that are pointed at her. Sweet.

Lesley passed out pocket size things to everyone in the classroom. She gets around. They were very beneficial.......They had her phone number on it.

They were her business cards, complete with a Pegasus. Super nice. That girl's too impressive.

In fact, after seeing her portfolio, I almost offered her a job.....then realized I had no job to give her.

Interview today at 1p.m. Weeee....excited?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Impress this, pal!

I enjoy cheese. Thats the point of the Blog today. Made it through merlefest unscathed, and clean. Yay! Semester is coming to an end. Shwent by quick, guys.

Our peers will be grading us on our pictures....eeek! or yay! cant decide which.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Crusty sweet pea-ness

Saturday we tromped around the Vanderbuilt territory...touching as much as I could and getting as many free samples possible. We were super giggly on the way there and back. Some nice quotes resulted. My favorites:

"That'll put hair on a lady's chest,"
and "Crusty cheese comes from crusty cows,"

but, the very best came from shat, and I suggest saying this aloud while others are around:
"Here, take this crusty sweet pea-ness..."

giggles ensue, still.

While there, we all decided we needed segways, seeing how cool one looks while riding on one.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Shmee eats butter!

Wow! this semester is flying by, a little too fast for my liking. I was freaking out the other night, with the help of allergy medication, about needing to print out everything for portfolio, and the fact that I cant find a couple files that I really wanted to put into the portfolio.

But the medication wore off, I found some things yesterday that I had forgotten I had did that I really like, and now I am unsure why I freaked out in the first place.

Resume, interview and portfolio lecture today. Highly useful things. Its been a big help. Now I've started an inner dialog about how great I am. No, I haven't had one in there before...

Mountain dew is good.

Yesterday, Shmee informed me that she used to eat butter. Just butter. That's so sweet, little Shmee.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

News on the nose front

My only news today, is of a certain someone who's nose was unpicked, as of last semester. Well, thats not true for he or she now. Yesterday we noticed one nostril was quite a bit larger than the other. I am shocked!

Whatever. Nothing else to report. Sad, I know.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Heres some things that crest includes:

To slack off together, or not at all
Ignore the cheese
Scurvy is real
Theres no pirates in Idaho
I saw something nasty in the woodshed
High fives in the sunshine

Crusty Slacker Crest

aye: scurvy prevails!

Here be the slackateer crest.

It mentions scurvy, cheese and pirates in Idaho: everything I cherish in life.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I heart howl

while I know the kingdom is full of wild animals, today I think they all decided to greet me as I drove through. Yes, my journey out of the kingdom to venture abroad for the sake of my education was hendered by having to stop for and dodge defenceless creatures, as they crossed the road.

Last night, my overwelming deprivation ceased. Now, Im only slightly deprived. I watched "Howl's moving castle" it was delightful, my friend. Before I saw it, I watched "Castle in the sky" In all seriousness, I can't remember much about it. Not after Howl!

Anywho, all that stuff was from yesterday.

Today, is friday yay!!!!!!

weekend full of bumming is coming my way.

Got a new group: the slackateers. We are still working on it. Lily thought of our name, she is a crafty minx.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I dont wanna grow up, I like peanut butter!

Wednesdays are somewhat blah days. But I did say the same about tuesday and monday and thursday.

Easter is coming up. Needless to say, I am looking forward to it. Despite how it might seem in my last blog, I sincerely enjoy the Easter holiday. Its the thought that counts, really.

I was informed the eggs symbolize the rebirth of Christians, when Jesus died for our sins. Still cant say why we hide those eggs. Err...Ill investigate further.

Had a nice lunch with the ladies at sub to the way. Kackle kid appeared. Shmee suggested it was fate. I'll remain neutral.

Realized the only time I cant think of anything half decent design-wise is in GD 3. Yes, in that class I get a mental creativity block. Everything I have ever designed in that particular class turns into crap. Dont have the same to say about typography.

Reading Eragon. Its getting good! It's so much better than the movie! Im happy to have something to take my mind off Harry and Ron.

Filled out a pirate survey on myspace. It was worth the five minutes it took to log in. It mentioned your pirate name (its shmittie if you didnt know) , your battle cry (There's no pirates in Idaho!) and your favorite squashbuckler (Dread pirate roberts) I had a lot of fun. Naturally, I kept lily's ship name. Im smee to her captain hook. Shmee is of course the aligator...*snigger* tick, tick, tick...

Just kidding, shmee. I guess shmee would be smee. I would be princess Tigerlily, or something...

okay, shvic go to bed! gee

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

An easter quesadilla?

Last night, I asked my mom what we might be doing for easter. Knowing full-well that we go to church and most likely will eat out.

Mom's just stopped cooking dinners at all.

I figured she'd say we were going to fire mountain. Last year we did. An unpleasant experience.

So I exclaimed: "nothing says 'Christ has risen' like a chimichanga!" hoping we could at least go somewhere that served delcious food. Mom did not like this.

But Mexico has easter, too doesnt it?

Nothing says "Christ has risen!" like honey baked ham and candied yams, apparently. How else would we celebrate without a coconut bunny cake? Shocking!

Typography is so much fun.

Shmee and I left spring fling just to play on photoshop. We were both actually looking forward to leaving the warm sunshine and sitting in the cold grey classroom to work in photoshop. Hold me! I feel the change coming upon me!

Sadly, I dont even mind. I feel like Harry Potter when he perform the summoning charm during the tri-wizard tournament, saving him from certain death by dragon.

...or something.

"Christ Has risen, hide your eggs!"
-Carlos Mencia

Friday, March 30, 2007

high-fives in the foggy gloom

Woke up to, and drove to school with, a glorious sunrise. It was metallic-ish. Very shiny and pretty! Im so happy its friday.

If you want cheese, just ask Shloni.

Quiet suppressed giggles fill the room.

All the boys in class look stern. All the girls are giggling.

Unsure whats going on, because I have a sausage biscuit. yay! real food!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Epiphany in the shower

So, Ive been having epiphanies in the shower. Yes, I have great ideas while washing. I think it has to do with good smelling soap and hot water. No, I won't tell what these thoughts are.

Driving to school, all the sky did was mist. Go ahead and rain already. Gee. It may have rained last night. I cant say for certain, because I was asleep. But if it did rain, I wish the sun would come out. This wetness is really bringing me down.

Yes frog pornagraphy happened in my backyard. One frog was there, just to watch. Frogs are pervs too, I guess. They didnt appreciate me taking photos. I felt dirty even watching.

Now adays, Im hopelessy addicted to digital photography. Those photos turn out so much better. Plus I dont have to wait to have them developed. Instant gratification, I say.

Nothing cracks me up more when I see people dressed up as sailor moon characters. Not cute, guys.

Poor professor hickey is not amused by her students. The second year ones, mostly.

Tater is not here. Getting dressed, from what I here.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

high fives in the sunshine

well, nothing much to write about. Going slow, mostly. We had glen's for lunch. Good weener.

Lily's planning for a after graduation beach trip. purr!

Er, sleeping in tomarow. Super excited.

Voted for student government. Big decisions were made. Lives will be changed I'm sure.

Planning to win $200 just for parking. Im telling you: its gonna happen.

Shmee, lily, ambii and me were all trashy today. Shat was make beleive trashy.

saw a sock in the kohls parking lot. Some one is half trashy.

Got some nice blue tinted pics from eckerds. thanks guys! Blue is nicer than green.

shmee has a condem-esque object in one of her pictures. Gee shmee, you shouldnt just leave those laying.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Just around the river bend

I spent this entire weekend for the most part at the mountain of stone trying to get some nice water pictures. Everyone keeps saying water shots, but for this blog it will be water photos. We did all sorts of hiking and exploring.
Saturday, mostly we explored the step dads home place which was near garden creek. We took the road up through the woods and ventured off the path only to find some very interesting things. Things like an old spring, rusted old car remains and an old barrel with a whole on the side. The step-dad says this was probably a birdhouse.
His home place was torn down by the state when they took over the park, but there are still some cool stuff up there. The whole where the basement was is full of stagnant water..yum.
The step dad doesn't go up there anymore to show us stuff, so mom and i explored on our own. I took a bunch of pictures to ask him about later.
We had so much fun exploring. I like safe, danger-free curiosity.
I also visited widows falls. It was pretty, and luckily not many people were there. I learned later that a road goes around to the top, so a pansy like me doesnt have to hike up. Im gonna look for that next time.
There was a slightly drunken man hiking around the waterfall. He may not have been drunk, but he talked and acted like he was. Why would you get drunk and climb a mountain thats actually called "widow's falls"? thats crazy.
I didn't get to bingo, though, like I had thought. I was so pooped! I definitely would not be fun to bingo against. I was tired and slightly irritable.
Sunday, we hiked to the top of the falls, from the picnic shelter.
I'm afraid of heights, and I was super scared for about ten minutes up at the top most of the falls. then, the observation deck was even more frightening, but I braved it. Hopefully I got some awesome pictures. It is pretty up there, but I was scared.
I keep wondering where the creek comes from to fall over the rock. That'll take some more investigations, Im afraid.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Yaw! looking good! purr...

Shmee has an elderly neighbor whom, Ive been told is extremely nosey. I too have noticed her glaring out her door or across her yard while gardening. Tuesday, I wanted so to cat call her. I wanted real bad to yell "lookin good!" because, as I drove past, she was bending.
The same goes for today. Except there was a younger-ish guy riding out there too, and I wouldnt want him to get the idea I was calling to him. Ive been told though that the woman would not enjoy being hollared at.
Shmee let me borrow the last unicorn. It was Fabulous! A great film....*sigh* it was so pretty and sinister. Ahhh! it was better than i had imagined.
I also watched Eragon: it was super good too. I like draons!

I slept in this morning. The little dog that barks and tries to wake me found the sleeping bag I had left in the floor and slept on that instead. So all I had to do was give him a blanket the whole time! This information would have really enhanced spring break.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

River Daince!

Aye. St Patrick's is one of my favorite holidays...I always liked it because I got to wear green. It was so cold today.

Went to goodwill to donate clothes, and then taken around the city of wilkes to find my granny something for her birthday that was like two weeks ago. Wonder if she would like a boob cake? hrm.....some how I doubt it. Today was stude's birthday. Happy birthday, Stude!

Too bad they didnt get a chance to sing to him, Im sure he's a vision with a sombraro on.

Man my saturday went by fast! and well, didnt accomplish anything. Tomarrow, we are venturing to the far north, high in the mountains of ashe. Its been a long time since we went up there. Its where my grandparents live. I cant even remember last time we were up there. I am excited about the taco bell/ kfc. Yum! nachos and snackers. This year we didnt go up there for christmas like we have for the past 20 years of my life...A story I will save for a later time. But tomarrow is going to be that get-together. Thats why its so cold. I do control the weather after all.

Friday, March 16, 2007



Game boards click, done. *sigh*

got group work in typography now too. I'll say later how excited I am. Theres one chick in the group who calls herself "shmee". Shes a minx.

had a bit of boob today. It was the best I ever tasted. Yum.....made us want cake even more.

Its a rainy, glorious friday.

oh, and to clarify something: The people talking on the tv are talking to me and TJ. So there, neener. Neener.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Spring Break Files

Spring break, is, well, here! yippeee! Instead of bumming on some beach and flashing the first person I see with a camera, I have instead decided to get stuff done. Lots of stuff. I have made a complete list. It may surprise some people that I make lists. A disorganized, messy kid like me have lists? yeah its true.

So the list includes reorganizing my bedroom, getting rid of lots of junk, donate some stuff thats still in good enough condition that some one would want it. Oh! and most important making a huge dent in the portfolio class stuff. I made a list of everything I wanna do for that class too. Its been difficult because I became obsessive about them having to be perfect!

Wow! I just noticed how sunny it is. If I were 12, I would be out in the yard, running and jumping. I might do that anyway, later today.

I guess I should be back in the room. It deserves all the work I plan on putting into it. Im in there a lot. Watching TV, listening to music (Jared, *cough*) and *sigh* doing my school work. Good work comes from in there because I have a whole lot more freedom to be creative, and there are fewer distractions.

okay, today i felt like rambling, but I gotta get back.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Dont Ignore the Cheese

well, I have to say that lily is Academically Excellent. Thats super exciting!
got a meeting at a restaurant that's main theme is horses, that twirl around attached with sticks in their backs while children ride upon them. Fiddledick.
So this weekend I took some more night shots, which hopefully will turn out a bit more successful. Had every intention of doing star trails, but it was cloudy. While out there, in the distance, there were cats calling each other. Long drawn out meows. Twas weird. Never heard cats doing that. I suppose its mating season in N. Shwilkes. Watch out, Shmee. You do live there. Gotta continue getting photos for scavenger hunt, but Im still waiting for a clear night for star trails...*sigh*
Whatever, Ive got to get back to work. I really wanna get some things finished. Luckily spring break is next week, and I have big plans.

Friday, February 23, 2007

this game spoke to me

Yup, the bloglessness is contagious. But nothing much really has happened. Monday night went shooting in Winston. Apparently, Im getting old cause I cant handle the staying up late. Had a great time. Went to a greek resteraunt. I lurve me some greek food. While downtown, I was somewhat cold. But at old salem, the winds died down a bit.

My photos from that night didnt turn out so good...This weekend, trying again. Definitely attempting some star trails, since they do tend to be so bright in my kingdom.

Missing lily, who isnt here at the moment.

Shmee caught a spook on her photos of old salem. It was exciting. Im glad that I didnt actually see a ghost while there, especially when I was in the library. I did have to use the rest room, and the had cut all the lights out in the building.

lily's just came in. yay!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Not the Scurvy!

Due to the immense lack of sun exposure, and drought of orange juice, Scurvy, a rare disease, has returned. Scurvy is real. Protect yourself. Drink orange juice. yes. Today when someone scathingly asked me why I drink such a disgusting orange beverage, I told them that I was making sure I didn't get scurvy.

Back in my pirating days I encountered many scurvy-infested bearded men. I gotta say: I never wanna be in a bad way such as that.

Anywho, Saturday lily and I shot a wedding. My first one. It went well, considering the shocking amount of battery eating that my camera did. Lily got some awesome shots. Ange got some funny ones too. There were some that I was happy with that I took as well. Hopefully the bride will really like them.

Lily gave me a framed photo of me, causing shenanigans on the parking deck...Ill treasure it forever. It has awesome lines and the colors are super bright.

Took shat with me to cafe to get breakfast. Because he was there, the cafe ladies gave me a huge chunk of chicken on my croissant. Yum!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Easily amused

yesterday, laughed like a madman. All day. laughed so much I had a slight cough. Got home and slept. Nice!

Had to include quotes on my book cover. Lily made up false aliases. The reviews I found didnt have the peoples names. But I swear, some of them really did say "This was the first book I ever read...." I mean, gee! How could I resist using them?

Lily's names included Krissy Manks (I've used this name before on some of joan's assignments) Norton McDougall, and Shakina Benge (my personal favorite) .

My other quotes were, and I promise people actually said this:

"This book spoke to me"
"This is the best book I ever read"
"When I finished the book I hungered for more"
and the best:

"This was the first book I ever read, and it made me want to read others"
okay, I made that one up.

more amusement ensued after typography when playing with the speaking widget, not funny until you change its voice. Just imagine, in a sing-songy voice "Tater eats potatoes..." Yes, Shmee and I were still laughing going home.

During my laughing fits, I came upon Shat's sister, who looked frightened. She hasnt experienced me, yet, I suppose.

Shmee and I learned what we really mean when we call someone sweet. Now we have a special code, all thanks to sparky. Since then, Ive noticed when girls say sweetie, or call someone sweet. I can only assume that its true.

Dang, I am easily amused.

But I am also easily annoyed. *cough*

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

lingering odors

So, last weekend visited the Teeej. The main theme all weekend was lingering smells. All of which had nothing to do with me. Teeej had a shadow. Teakettle was there every step he made...nice. He let off when I suggested viewing ladies underwear. That always works...or trying to hold his hand. He hates that...*giggles* He gives me all sorts of trouble so its been slow getting back at him. Unfortunately, he adds even more trouble every time I see him.

Blind date stories....Wow! Lily's back. Life is officially back to normal.

Cheese is a drug, and Im an addict.

My new favorite word is fiddledick. I use it when ever I can. I think it may have offended a few people at lunch yesterday.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

poppycock, revisted.

Poppycock is my favorite word.

Hand tinting is required for our next assignment. Lily and I have already went over that. Im super excited. Lily isnt here. *tears* hand holding.....or something.

Yesterday, while we were all excessively priced for a piece of chicken, Shat got a huge discount. Who've you been kissing, shat? *Cough* maybe he has a thang for hairnets too, huh?

Seems we missed a super time last night. errr...sorry getting home at one o'clock would not have been fun.

Apparently, Chad is a big fat liar.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Got my photos developed today too. Our professor of photography had warned us of the dangers of Wal-mart, so I ventured back to the other wal: walgreens.
Trouble was a'brewin, and we should have known because he said that they were having some trouble and it would be longer than an hour. Whatever....just missing a sunny afternoon sipping hot tea with my feet on the heater to listen to a class Ive already taken.
Shmee's 'boyfriend' kept asking me questions about the assignment even though Ive plainly stated more than once to him that I am not in that class. I took that class last semester.
Whatever. an hour and a half later I skip up to the photo guy. He says it'll be another 45 min. so I happily tell him: I can wait.
So, slowly, for an hour, I proceed to investigate the entire store. inch for inch. I got outta there with my photos at 3:30....thats 2 and a half hours to develop 1 hour photos...
While apologizing, the man mentions that it usually takes 15 min. to complete such a task. PoppyCock! I say.
Poor lily still doesnt have hers and she left them before shmee and I did.

the pictures I got back werent that bad! I was pleased by most. however...somewhere my entire collection of journalism and still-lifes werent on the cd's...hrmm...looks like resubmission is in order, if professor t-way allows.

Id like to leave my blog in silent thought of lily's late beloved cat. Every time I think of that beautiful creature in the back of my mind I hear a girlish scream echoing from lily's toilet. Shat in shock...Thank you, my dear friend. I'll miss him. but i still have fond memories.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

snow-less kingdom

err....Im confused. Wheres the snow? Okay, Ill admit it did snow a lil today. but its already melted away. took some nice photos that Ill post on flickr later tonight. Yesterday card playing was amazing. I need practice though. Shmee, I learned is a ruthless card-playing, skipping minx! Whatever, missed the rest of the gang though...and let me tell yall: you missed original, luscious Orlando! He came back for a brief appearance just for the foot-long corn dogs! wow. they were delicious. Corn dogs are better foot long, I have decided. Gave the sis a haircut...she was recovering from a semi-mullet. but shes so much better now.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Snow-crapped porch, or something

yup. It snowed. Heres the proof:

My cut. Added layers in case your a wondering. This is mostly for TJ's sake.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Its beginning to look a lot like february

Hi yall. Its snowing. Ahhhh.....beautifully. Itll probably be gone in the morning though. The sis and I have decided that its only snowing on our lil hill, because the weather forcast only mentioned cold winds a'blowing. Anywho, I have shmees home phone now, just in case.

Crossing Jordan is on. Nice.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

honesty, at last

Its time for me to make a confession. Enough is enough. This morning a realization came upon me, like a slap in the face. I have a problem. It started in middle school. I was curious. Maybe my friend gave me some, or I got it independently. Cant remember which. But it seems a good part of my life has wrapped around it. Everyday twice a day I use it. When I havent had it, I think of it. Sometimes, driving down the road, I feel the need to pull over and pull it out of my purse. Do I have a problem? yes. But I had no idea it was so serious. I found out this morning I am one of millions. The millions of men and women adicted to lip balm. and let me tell you, Im not about to quit. So back off.


Today I got a haircut! Im telling the few who read this, (Im not hopeful that many read this anymore) so monday youll actually know whats different about me. Instead of staring with a blank look on your face.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

theres no pirates in idaho

A lot has happened in the past two days. things that obviously happened but i missed completely. It may have been right in front of me, and I did not even notice. Errr, living in my own world maybe? Tuning out a little too much? I know for a fact I got work done yesterday and today. does that mean I missed the most fascinating hard-core scandel this semester? Err...I guess not. I hope not. Wheres E-news about the wcc graphic design department? hrrrm? Will the world ever get explantions? no, prally not. Vagueness, denial, defensiveness...and that was just me and shmee's ride home.

No, really. I had a nice lunch. that 2nd class mexican resteraunt was good. I did giggle a lot. My purse spilled over. But I missed lily, to whom I would like to be a faithful sidekick, or something.

Tomarrow is friday. Yay! cant wait for sleep. And a haircut. Hopefully saturday Ill have both.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Whos blog is this?

yall may have noticed my new layout. The pink was making me nauseated. Hope yall enjoy. I like it a lot. Its more me-ish. Id like to learn to make my own. One day, when I have the time. But anywho. Sees yall later

Alright, meow

Today the gang all went to the japanese resteraunt down town. It was lovely and I had missed our little outings. Turned in my typography assignment. It was of the word Dragon. It turned the letters into scales and pot claws, talons, an eye and a wing on it. I like pictures with added surprises that you dont see at first and thats what I wanted to do. Next up, is the book cover. Still unsure what Im going to do. Currently dont have any ideas. keep hitting my #1 pin drive with the knee. Its severly bent. I think it's days are numbered. still hoping not though, because I love it. Its like Harry, when his first broom, the nimbus 2000 got swept away and ruined in the whomping willow. Im comparring my pin drive to Harry Potter. I do kindly do that alot. Harry relates to me in many ways. Dont think I should share the rest. Bought some new sharpies. they made my day brighter. Shmee bought some as well. She probably will have a good afternoon. Our class, which I was at first really hyper through, is now subdued. Im a bit sleepy. Im gonna need some coffee to make it through the rest of the afternoon. Chad did good on our assignment. I think Ill have fun with this one. Gotta take the last ten black and white before I can start though.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Icy -crusted wenis?

Hi yall. Ive been trying to get of hold of shmee via the telly, but no success. Uncomfortable driving in the current conditions around myself. I have been watching the news and I do reckon that the ice is melting, and apparently non-existant at our school, but it is definatly still present, abundantly so here at my house. I apparently live in the darkest, coldest corner of the county...or something. Theres portions of my road that are still questionable. And therefore unsure if I should even try. Shmee: Im sorry I couldnt get ahold of you sooner. Im so ashamed!

Ooo.... Wide legged jeans are coming back! People of 1998 rejoice. For me, they never really left.

Friday, January 19, 2007

alone in the dark, shattiness...

So I didnt get the message about class being canceled. So I came in er.....3 hours early for portfolio. Shat hadn't gotten the message either, he was sitting in the dark playing...alone. *cough* I played with him a little, until another student who hadnt got the message either came in. I need to start checking the email at night. Shat just blew up. That does stink, shat. I dont get any signal in the new classroom. That makes me a little sad. Looking forward to eating lunch. They make a delicious hotdog. I found that out yesterday.

Got meself a new kitten...well, sorta. It ran in the doesnt belong to any of my three neighbors. My sister is a wee bit attached to it. Thats fine with me, because Im not that big on cats anymore. My dog hates cats too and barks at this new tiny kritter in excessive amounts.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Snowy/rainy days

welps... Today at school I was....*sniffle* alone. Well, not completely. But I was missing two very important minxes. Lily! Shmee! I miss you two! I think I may go on home, seeing as how we wont have a teach in typography. Shlonster will be there but she has proclaimed that there isnt much going on in there. Guess Ill skedadle home and work instead. Squeaky feet keep distracting me. I reckon I will slowly make my way home. Gotta be cautious on days like this. Lily, Shmee: I miss you! Shmee....where are ya? Im so cold...and and and it has nothing to do with the weather.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My first days back at school had one central theme. Pie. Thats right, pie. Everywhere. Apparently thats what the people want. And yes, I had some. We all did. Creamy, sweet......delightful. Stude had some of Ambi's- Right in front of us! Shameful. Shat and I had pie before we even had lunch. The anticipation of lunch was better than the actual lunch. Work is going good. Should be doing some right now. but I had this on my mind and I couldnt stop thinking about it. Pie. Ill say it again. Pie.

Friday, January 12, 2007

This is my Wenis. It is the Wenis that will make me famous.

Today is the last day I will be in Virginia. Leaving this afternoon. 6hrs plus stopping to eat and to get gas....reckon we'll be home around midnights. But anywho, this town is not the coolest place to live. I prefer trees. and grass. and cows. Tuesday, cant wait to see you guys. Looking forward to talking to people who can understand what Im saying or dont talk to me as if Im stupid. I get that a lot around here. Usually I dont try to open my mouth. Just smile and nod. Gonna miss seeing TJ everyday...thats the only part though.

For typography Im either gonna use Shenanigan or Evanescent. I was supposed to choose three but I have this huge blankness come over my brain. Cant think of nothing today. Same for the group work. Lily's idea is awesome! I was reading it and I was like...Come on self! you can think of stuff to go with that! but, brain just wouldnt do it. Shmee: Word to your mommy! It has to be weird not riding with me to school anymore. Im not sure I can handle it. So has there been card playing? Real Orlando still not back? Has Chad given us an assignment yet? Life without school is, er, uneventful.

oh! this is a message to stude, the other member of the modeling club. I watched the America's Next Top Model marathon last week and got some awesome ideas. They also appear to have taken some of your famous poses and claimed them as their own. I was shocked! to say the least...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Clink! poof...

hey yall...things here are slightly uneventful. getting all my work together. Hoping Im not missing any critiques today that I dont know about. In graphic 3 Im super excited about the group...Im hearing (or reading in this case) crazy good ideas from them. In portfolio Im redoing my self illustration. I stared at it all through Christmas break thinking all the things I could have done differently. Doing it this time on illustrator (not photoshop) Everythings coming out so much smoother. Got face and hair done. next redoing wings. everything Im doing this time is stuff I drew originally. Im also putting in a background of some kind. Ahhh....Typography the word assignment. Still undecided about that one. May use a word from harry potter. I have no idea about photography since as of last time I checked, there were no assignments posted. Anyone got an idea? Whatever though, I am trying to stay on top of things. Miss you guys. Hope everyone is good.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

yeah. Its a pain in the ass. And I hate it. But I made promises to help out all week. They are really depending on me and its not in my nature to break promises and let people down. I really did not know school was starting freaking tomarrow. Seriously I thought it was next week. So now Im letting down all of yall, our teachers and stuff and Im so sorry for that. I really do want to be back in school now that I know that it is starting tomarrow. I feel like I cant win either way...but Im keeping my promise and sticking to it. I miss seeing all of yall. I wont be at home, so if yall want my new cell number just email me at myspace or something. I hate myself at the moment. I dont do that often. Im always saying the wrong thing and getting myself in these situations. whatever, though. I need to stop freaking out because this really isnt in my nature. Im so sorry you guys.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

deja vu?

I cant believe this is happening again. Im going to have to miss the first week of class. Unbelievable. Is it a curse? This morning, I realized, that classes start on monday. I was thinking they start on tuesday, the 16th. I felt for sure that was when they started. Yes. I am officially a retard. Am I mad at myself? yes. But can I make it class monday? does not look that way. Theres no possible way. Beating myself abruptly on the head, right now. Emailed our professors. Hoping so badly they will forgive. Almost had a heart attack earlier today. Really angry at myself. More to come later, when I like myself again.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Deathly Hallows

okay, so I can finally go back to blogging again. Its been hectic for the last week, or so...but finally things have calmed down. Heres a quick recap: Christmas, for me basically started Saturday...visiting relatives, drinking spiced cider(couldnt come close to lilys by the way), eating questionable cookies, a crazy amount of shrimp, lots of ham(cant complain there) laughed a lot, ran around the county of shwilkes. Didnt stay in my kingdom a lot...except to sleep and drink coffee....errr...also left the county itself a couple o' times. I did visit lily...had a great time being a bum. Shes introduced me to british movies: I enjoy their subtle humor. Her mom made some cookies...the type you could eat all day. Oh! a jar of pickles...they are so beautiful *give me moment to dream about said pickles* okay, Im back. I say okay a lot.

only four classes this semester. Woot! last semester...Im lucky I didnt fail anything. There is a ballerina twirling in my head.

Missing the order. I talk about them excessively. "theres one time me and shmee..." or "lily said this, it was so funny..." you know, everything reminds me of one of you guys all the time. Last night I had some milky way hot cocoa....purrr I want to bring some to shmee...yes, shmee you would have loved it.

Promise I can blog a lot again. Stopped running around until the semester starts again...ahhh...*stretch, yawn* nice to not have to be anywhere or do anything all day...the first time in um I dont know how long.

oh...the title of this blog is the title of the seventh and last Harry Potter book. Happy, excited, sad, looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time.