Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My goodness, my toe.

Aye. Ive noticed I forget things I was supposed to blog aboot. But, hey! Yall dont know yur missin anythang!

BY GOLLY! shvic needs lip balm and mittins.

I finally finished my test in marketing. Testing at home is NOT as great as you would think. Im so distracted! and I become so sleepy!
and, blackboard creates errors at precisely the wrong moment. Shame! Blackboard. Shame!

Hey shmee, can you hear the taters crying? *snicker*
Shmee andI found crumbled tater chips in the parking lot. We enjoyed a moment...

but hey, I laugh at most things.

One time my preacher started this acapella, almost edwardian chant like song. Im so ashamed. I had to duck under the pew.

Went to walgreens to pick up 3-d glasses. They didnt have any. and, luckily, I didnt have the shame of asking for them. An older lady did before me.
I saw a mask that was of the Burger king....hes always cracked me up.

I have a slick wig for tommarrow. I Am Not Wearing it to School. No!

oh, will you look at that? I need sleep!

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