Monday, October 29, 2007

brrr's and grrr's

Oh, man. Blogging in class isnt what its cracked up to be. Prying *beady* *snot-nosed* eyes.

Blackboard should be shot, I know that for a fact.

My stomach rumbles constantly, although I keep giving it things. Like like chicken. and and potatoes. Grrrrr.....said my tummy.

gee whiz, am I cold. But my heart is still warm.

Snicker is the new snort....or, was snicker first?

My mom found $100 in Wal-mart. We gave it to the Ass. Manager. haha..... Ass. Manager! We didnt want that kinda karma on our hands. So, if your missing some pocket change, the Ass. Manager has long blonde hair.

I getta wear a coat tommarrow! yay! I love wearing coats.
and pants.
and of course, socks.

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