Monday, March 05, 2007

The Spring Break Files

Spring break, is, well, here! yippeee! Instead of bumming on some beach and flashing the first person I see with a camera, I have instead decided to get stuff done. Lots of stuff. I have made a complete list. It may surprise some people that I make lists. A disorganized, messy kid like me have lists? yeah its true.

So the list includes reorganizing my bedroom, getting rid of lots of junk, donate some stuff thats still in good enough condition that some one would want it. Oh! and most important making a huge dent in the portfolio class stuff. I made a list of everything I wanna do for that class too. Its been difficult because I became obsessive about them having to be perfect!

Wow! I just noticed how sunny it is. If I were 12, I would be out in the yard, running and jumping. I might do that anyway, later today.

I guess I should be back in the room. It deserves all the work I plan on putting into it. Im in there a lot. Watching TV, listening to music (Jared, *cough*) and *sigh* doing my school work. Good work comes from in there because I have a whole lot more freedom to be creative, and there are fewer distractions.

okay, today i felt like rambling, but I gotta get back.

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