Saturday, March 17, 2007

River Daince!

Aye. St Patrick's is one of my favorite holidays...I always liked it because I got to wear green. It was so cold today.

Went to goodwill to donate clothes, and then taken around the city of wilkes to find my granny something for her birthday that was like two weeks ago. Wonder if she would like a boob cake? hrm.....some how I doubt it. Today was stude's birthday. Happy birthday, Stude!

Too bad they didnt get a chance to sing to him, Im sure he's a vision with a sombraro on.

Man my saturday went by fast! and well, didnt accomplish anything. Tomarrow, we are venturing to the far north, high in the mountains of ashe. Its been a long time since we went up there. Its where my grandparents live. I cant even remember last time we were up there. I am excited about the taco bell/ kfc. Yum! nachos and snackers. This year we didnt go up there for christmas like we have for the past 20 years of my life...A story I will save for a later time. But tomarrow is going to be that get-together. Thats why its so cold. I do control the weather after all.

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