Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I dont wanna grow up, I like peanut butter!

Wednesdays are somewhat blah days. But I did say the same about tuesday and monday and thursday.

Easter is coming up. Needless to say, I am looking forward to it. Despite how it might seem in my last blog, I sincerely enjoy the Easter holiday. Its the thought that counts, really.

I was informed the eggs symbolize the rebirth of Christians, when Jesus died for our sins. Still cant say why we hide those eggs. Err...Ill investigate further.

Had a nice lunch with the ladies at sub to the way. Kackle kid appeared. Shmee suggested it was fate. I'll remain neutral.

Realized the only time I cant think of anything half decent design-wise is in GD 3. Yes, in that class I get a mental creativity block. Everything I have ever designed in that particular class turns into crap. Dont have the same to say about typography.

Reading Eragon. Its getting good! It's so much better than the movie! Im happy to have something to take my mind off Harry and Ron.

Filled out a pirate survey on myspace. It was worth the five minutes it took to log in. It mentioned your pirate name (its shmittie if you didnt know) , your battle cry (There's no pirates in Idaho!) and your favorite squashbuckler (Dread pirate roberts) I had a lot of fun. Naturally, I kept lily's ship name. Im smee to her captain hook. Shmee is of course the aligator...*snigger* tick, tick, tick...

Just kidding, shmee. I guess shmee would be smee. I would be princess Tigerlily, or something...

okay, shvic go to bed! gee

1 comment:

Maddux said...

Nothing you do is crap, Shvic!

I think we all need to get together and get unified in our look, though.

Ah....the Slacketeer, she be a mighty good ship.

With a mighty good crew!