Tuesday, June 12, 2007

birthday cake flavored ice cream!

So, this summer is probably my last summer of freedom. Freedom to be a bum. Yes, I should be working, or doing something worth-while for my community, or improving myself, but no. Im sleeping instead. A lot.

Im in virgina, near the beach. Havent actually been to the beach while up here. The high-light so far would prally be coldstone creamery. errr......it was life changing. Birthday cake remix. *sigh*

Wouldnt say Im having a super dandy time, but there are perks. Like coldstone creamery. Seeing TJ everyday is fun too, not talking dirty-ish. The whole talking to him everyday at lunch thing got er.....whats the word.......redundant. or something. It seems pushed on the weekends when I knew he was leaving the next day. Does that make sense?

Well, knowing that he wont be leaving tomarrow lets us be more light-hearted and carefree (still undirty, thank you) like we used to be when we lived in the same area code. Almost feels like we are completely different people when we are apart. So weird and hard to explain.

Whatever. Coming home near the end of the month. Got some harry potter to take care of. Yay! Harry Potter.

I miss lily and shmee. Now that I dont see them everyday, Im having withdrawls. Miss everyone, really. Mourning already the passing of our happy graphic design classes life. Cause next semester: boring "required" classes.....bleck.

Gots to get a class changed before next semester starts. keep forgetting.

Im gonna stop because this blog seems exceeding long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm having withdrawels like you wouldn't believe. I can't wait for Harry Potter...yeah, I know...Draco is sexy but, I get to see you guys! Which is way better!