Thursday, December 21, 2006

fluttery elves!

I woke up this morning, fumbled my way to the living room, glanced out the window and saw: it looks christmas-ish outside! sweet! theres a couple cardinals out on the bird feeder and the sky looks like er...wintery. Um, havent been outside, but it looks cold, which is good enough for me. Lily, if your reading this, I may have said saturday I had plans, but alas, I meant friday. So its saturday that I can join you. I guess I should email you too. Sorry other readers, that just came to my head. Im just a small bit dyslexic and mixed up my days. Gotta get the shopping done with mom tomarrow...morning. We arent crazy enough to try shopping the saturday before christmas.

Hi everone reading this! Order: I miss you guys!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

cat legs and bacon wrapped er...

had lunch with my pals, hopefully not for the last time this year...we shall see, I guess. The food, not spectacular. But the company definately made up for it. heard some unfairness in grading from some coleman members. Some innapropriate talk from various indiviuals some cursing from some, and er...some joking, laughing and carrying on. Twas great. Already missing you guys though...

Full of eggnog. Ive never met anyone else as obsessed with eggnog as me. Gosh! its so good. Heavy whipping cream and cinnamon. yum! anywho...missing cider. thats good stuff. Wal-mart has been sold out of the powdered packages and, well, lilys so far away...*sigh* cocoa doesnt really match it.

Im excited about christmas. Thats right. Christmas. I love Christmas.

Monday, December 18, 2006

free at last!

oh, sweet relief. by the way, if yall dont get my lil phrases, please refer to O, brother, where art thou? which is one of my all time favorite films. anywho, got a huge burdon lifted off my shoulders: a presentation. The only bad part about it, I would say, was the boards kept falling off. Gee! I stood on the other side away from my team just to catch them when they fall, but I was the only one they fell upon. *sigh* anywho...t-way should be psychodically proud of himself: his class was a huge challenge. The whole semester long. My poor brain was so stripped of its natural capabilities (shoe lace tying, which i know can no longer accomplish; holding a spoon with my left hand; french braiding my own hair; etc.) that the creativeness oozed out. Im lucky I didnt flunk out I guess. Should I have shown some leg during the presentation? I think I should have. Maybe my wenis should have been exposed. It was most of the day. I got pastels all over my *cough* chest/side when fetching some old artwork. It was a member of coleman or colman, i guess, to whom said pictures with pastels belonged to, surprisingly. *cough/sigh* Not accusing anyone of a looks suspicious. but anywho I covered those bright pink spots with a jacket. I got some lovely gifs today. first shmee got me a jewelry box. Its so pretty! i needed one...I can always use a spare one. yes, ear rings were flying though I got that box. It has a floralish design on it. Its spectacular! ahhh...then lily got wenis members matching fam-tabulous hats! wow they have our names on them! mine said shvic! twas great. Im wearing it now. Shat also got me a bag of goodies: smelly stuff...and candy! anywho thanks you guys! yall really shouldnt have, but Im glad you did. *missing my friends already* we're eating at shang-hai, 12ish noonish tomarrow if anyone reading this wants to come...everyones invited.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Cheese nips?

yeah! everythings done, finally. Just gotta print everything. Got most of the makita stuff. Which brings me to my story today. Went to staples to get that stuff printed. for some reason, i thought they only charged $.40 for a print...silly me, I didnt think theyd actually charge $2.50 to open every single file. and $.99 for other things...didnt catch what that was for...but anywho, I had five things I needed to print so I told her to forget it. $24 for 6 prints? Poppycock! Anywho...Mom was with me. Told her itd be cheeaper to break down and buy replacement ink. Theyd lasted all semester without buying any! So I found a nice young man to help me pick out the right one. Thank you, Stude for "helping" me find "ink cartriges." anywho...bought the one he directed me to. The poor thing, he tried to find us the right one. I thought it was the right one too, Stude. Okay got it to the car. Stepdad says its the wrong one. sends back in to look for a model, that as far as staples is concerned, doesnt exist. We stick with the one stude found for us. Its special that way, you see. We hop in the car. Close the doors softly, that angers him. Tell him staples doesnt recognize x75 as a printer model. He takes us to wal-mart. he finds the correct one. tells us that wal-mart is the only place to buy said cartridge as he *cough* told us *cough* before...*cough* We take the beautiful one stude picked out back to staples. Yay! 3 times in a row. Whatever, feel only slightly retarded. Otherwise...excited cuz I no longer have to see Penni this semester. Hold on...tomarrow's the last day of school. er...okay. Theres always next semester.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

festive little cider monkeys

With the anticipation mounting all week for the party I went to Saturday, I got up at the break of dawn to construct cookies for this infamous event. Aye, TJ helped by stirring and forming the cookies...and I used my tried and true, really old recipe from the 1950's betty crocker edition cookbook. they turned out prettier than usual. They knew where they were heading, after all, and well, tj formed every cookie by hand. Hes a perfectionist, you see. So we skedadled down to lily's. Got there was playing across the land...lilys kingdom is magic, if you didnt know. had some cider....mantheus, shloni, kevster, and daveed joined us. played balderdash...laughed histerically. Learned my good friend lily is a extraordinary lier. tish, tish, lily! tehe. Had a great time. Drank lots of cider, cant remember much after that. Theres a couple of things I cant not remember. Loni. Maple syrup. exotic dancing. shake it off, shvic. shake it off.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Thinking Arbys was Awesome. I love poppers from there. *sigh* A meal in itself, Id say. Uncle Kenny's makes good ones too. I reckon I might buy myself some frozen ones and have them in the middle of the night, if i want. My kingdom offers no poppers anywhere, especially after nine. Its only tuesday. Self, you need to do some work this afternoon. Im gonna take some pics tonight, when the lights are on. Thatd make pretty reflections. Ive just wondered why the macs have dvd players. What graphic design students gonna need that? Whatever, were watching PotC2! It came out today...super exciting. *shouting out to TJ* Looked at brochures in joans. May need to hurry up and whip those out. My hand smells of metal. eww.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Wenis: I cant help but speak thy name.

Another monday gone. 2 more left of the semester. luckily, ive got my work load under control, I hope. Gotta buy presents. Always putting that off. I definatly dont mind buying gifts, I just wish there was a place that sold stuff I would actually give to people with being terribly ashamed of the gift itself. If your special enough for me to go out and find something especially for you, Id like for that gift to be just as special. Wal-mart just doesnt cut it for me. Thats probably what annoys me the most about christmas shopping there. That and all the people. I went there this morning, and it wasnt badly crowded, but there was a shocking amount of people shopping. Im super excited about saturday...something going on...cant say what exactly, but its gonna be awesome. TJ's coming in friday, just for it. Too bad shmee cant be there. Im bringing along little shmee. Im baking cookies and I might bring a couple other things...*sigh* Im excited. Looking forward to it man. But anywho, so "Mr. Treadway" *cough* has us doing a presentation the last day of class. Im not too worried about myself. planning on fixing the rubiks by the end of class. Its a hard ship that I dont mind getting past. If i would just come home and do it tomarrow...Yall may not see me long in class tomarrow. Gotta run over and get free food...if I remember.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Another blog, just for fun. TJ's been really good to me lately, Im super proud, I must say, because Ive been a bit crabby. Well, not crabby, but just tired. Im very tired. Especially at night when Im talking to him. Hes super understanding, and Im really glad. Hes a nice guy, actually. Most of yall havent met him but I highly recomend it. Lily does too, Im sure. Hes planning to be at our christmas party coming up. That should be fun! I can get intoxicated from lily's cider and he can drive me home....or something. Im just joking. Lily doesnt put alchohol in her cider, I dont reckon. It does make me super happy though. Lily throws a hot party. Im excited.

lions and tigers and bears!

After following a haybell to class, working hard on my cliche project eating a delicious meal at kotos, turning in my project late, and starting on my new project, Im pretty tired. I usually am. Ive realized I have a lot to do before christmas break. But, I reckon its not impossible. Ive decided that Ill have to start setting short term goals for every day. Like, get the beach itself done by the end of the day. I also have to find a suitable person to take sand to the beach. Also, I need to do some stuff on my Makita-nesses...That stuff is going slow, although I really only have a couple things I need to do. The book's progress has stopped, so I need to pick back up on that Im gonna have to do some drawings by hand and recreate them. The new project for 140 is to design a cd, cover, and booklet. I have had this project before. I maybe can do a whole lot better this time. I picked Shinedown...they are my favorite. Yall do realize that CD was my first project ever? Shwow! it sucked: the mic. pic was pixelated. ewww! Anywho...oh! gots lots of stuff with that zoo project to do: keep finding crap I havent done for it. menus, bumperstickers, flyers....grrr. Also got that photo journal. That probably will be extra fun. I like photography the best out of everything. I like most of this stuff that Im doing, Id just like to not have to do them all at once. Whatever, though, at least one thing isnt occupying all of my thoughts.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I love coconuts!

Aggrevated Charlie today. Turned off the row of computers. Priceless memories...*sigh* Shenanigans went on that I dont know about, I reckon. Innapropriateness on the other computer, more people who bought their pants too small. The computer wont eject my pin drive. Had a good lunch at subway, at wal-mart. worked a little on my projects. saw what was up britney's skirt: it was all scrambled and pixelated, as I figured.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Its me, beast?

nothing much going on today. heated arguments that I was not involved in have filled my head. So I wrote about that first and I cant remember anything else.

It has come to my attention that some peoples view on their self worth is the belief that they are smarter, more creative and just plain better than others, compared to people that they did once call friends. If an argument, and not even a serious one occurs they throw in that "at least I have a real job" crap, even if the person they are talking to does manual labor, pain staking chores, and gets paid very little for it. They have actually said to me, "I actually work for a living" when in reality they only have to pay for gas and lunch. And presents for the female, now too. They also, I guess feel they are a bigger person because they now have "somebody" I had no idea thats what made a person more important: having a girlfriend. Alienating all your friends in the meantime. I feel bad for that someone. No one can make you happy if your not happy with yourself, pal. Its a hard-knock life, isnt it?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Bass Ackwards

Chest hair on women is difficult to get rid of, apparently. Got a new project in Tater's class. Illustrate a Cliche. I chose "Bring sand to the beach" Because I like the beach. And Ive already got a couple of ideas. Lily has posted some videos spoofing harry potter. I suggest checking them out, yall. Yumm. I love candy bars.

Anywho, Today, shmee and I were tardy along with most of the class, me thinks. Had lunch in commons. Got a small amount of work done in Desktop Publishing. I visited the bookstore 3 times. That woman didnt seem happy the last time. Turned in my drawing to computer illustration project. I was happy with it. I did not trace it as some had accused me of, thank you very much. Tuesdays and thursdays go by fast for me, Ive noticed.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dont you point those filthy green sausages at me!

Aye. It is Tuesday, a day that ordinarily is not that special. But today, today, it is also, in a sense, Friday. Known to some as the best day of the week. I do like getting to sleep late, but I love how cozy and happy I feel on Thanksgiving. Its definately a good holiday. Christmas used to feel that way to me. Now, I find myself too wrapped up in whether or not everyone liked their gifts, visiting everyone I gotta visit and making sure I say thank you to everyone to even sit down and remind myself why we are even having the holiday. Im definatly trying to keep purposes in mind as I celebrate. I hardly ever reflect on how many things I have to be thankful for. I for certain have nothing to complain about, something i havent remembered lately. Someone said to me the other day "I actually work for a living" implying, i suppose that I do nothing. I am lucky that I found something that doesnt feel, or seem, like actual work. When Im not stressed out or feeling rushed, I really love this graphic design stuff.

I ate lunch with the gang today at the best resteraunt ever. I didnt have the heart to even tell TJ thats where we went. Its his favorite resteraunt, and the restraunts where he lives dont even compare. He misses eating there like a madman and talks about it a lot. I missed being there and him not being there. I felt guilty....I think is the best word to describe it. Shat was not there either. We havent shunted him from our group, just seems like he doesnt join us anymore. Maybe he lost interest. Or he has something else to preoccupy his thoughts. I do miss our lil talks. I am so fond of the our lil group. Ill miss yall over break.


Today I found Tater's blog. It was interesting, I suppose. Its the last day before thanksgiving break and hardly anyone's here. Way to devote yourselves, guys. Lily, shmee and i are here. Thats all that really matters anyway. Ill be here for at least most of the day. Seems Joans giving me a test anyway on Tabs. Thats right, tabs. Tater is a perv if I ever met one. Hes easily amused by some things. Apparently its very cold outside. But, the sun is shining. Im in a great mood. Not great enough to dance or skip, even, but Im still quite happy. Lily needs mittens, poor lil chap.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Aye! Thy trashy woman! Doesnt even Cover her Wenis.

Today I pulled myself out of bed, shook the sleep out of my eyes, downed a mug of coffee and dashed over to lilys house. Why, you might ask? Well to go to the Renaisance Fair of Course! The weather couldnt have been better (should have seen the sky, Shmee!) and our trip started out beautifully as Lily shared delightful drunken anecdotes. All I can say is, "you trashy woman, not even wearing socks..." Ask her for the story if you like. We got there early enough to get awesome parking space and from afar we did witness opening ceremonies. A canon, I presume. From there, Ive gotta say, I had a grreat (thats right, Grreat) time. Heres the rest of what went down, in no particular order:
took some photos of lovely ladies in huge skirts. took photo of "street begger" laying on the street. He offered to put lilys chapstick someplace other than his lips. Met Jesus, or a man who looked just like him. He offered us halos, oddly enough. We turned them down after seeing peter pan hats. Twirled sticks embarressingly badly. Distracted by beautiful glittery booth. Met the cutest fairy ever. Took her photo. Walking tree almost stepped on Lily. Distracted by candy booth. Kilted men. i did pet a sheep. watched belly dancers. Ran into Jesus again. Did buy a halo off of him this time. He wanted a cool nickname like shvic, but both lily and I became blank, unfortunatly. Kilted men. Had a Turkey leg from the biggest Turkey known to man. It tasted like ham. distracted by beautiful glittery booth. children tried to beat lily in the head with beaded necklesses. Inaccurate Cod pieces. Lily and I agreed on that point. kilted men. Intoxicated lily. Jousting! Kilted men. Bread bowl brought lily back to me. dozed in the hay. was knighted against my will. stumbled out and did not look back. I miss thee, fair festival.

It was a Shawesomely spectacular and lovely day.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Grand theft cup

Today, is crazy. Getting to everything late. Shmee skipped class, and we stood in Taters office watching wanker videos. 5 minutes before class, we remebered we had photos due today. So we raced over to Eckerds to pick them up. When we got back, only studious and red were left. Making out, of course. Everyone else was gone, so the four of us, after shmee had a heated phone conversation, went to Dooley's. It wasnt bad. Had a Dooleys wrap, and, in my drunken state, (unsure how they make the water there or what they put in it) I stole the cup and had to return it. Everyone else in there was drunk too, so I wasnt embarrassed. Red was a whole lot more interesting than I figured. She only dropped the f-bomb once, to my knowledge. I learned some things about her today, that i never would have guessed normally. Studious told us some cute stories about his son. Lovely conversation through the whole lunch. should be taking advantage of the quiet alone time I have in here, but instead Im blogging. Im such a bum.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Quoth the Shvic, "Wenis!"

today is wednesday. Known to some as hump day. I dont know why i keep telling yall what day of the week it is. You all probably learned those at least two years ago. Not much went on. had a great 2.5 minutes with stude this morning while we were "registering" I wont be sharing any other details about that. *cough* Im watching "Medium". Im seriously creeped out at the moment. Had Nachos for lunch. Cheese sauce, and an unidentified "meat" not bad.....Ive had worse *ahem* "meat" Group work went well I think. Makita, if your reading this, please excuse my er, absent minded-ness. All this stuff is hard for me to wrap my mind around. Big numbers and such. We all had lunch together and it was Great. Great is a word I use a lot. Its a staple f my vocabulary. Shmee finally made me realize I say it often. Sorry to anyone who this annoys. Lily and I are planning to go to the Renaisance Festival. Im totally stoked. Hope the weather is good.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

We represent...The slacker/model gang.

that last blog was erm....insufficiant. Today went by really fast. Was late for class, me and shmee. Completely my fault. I am destined to be tardy. Had lunch with Shmee and Lily. Lovely. Missed everyone else though. *Tears* Shat wasnt even here. I missed him so much I had shmee call him. He was in winston shopping. I got over my sadness quickly. Wish my mom would buy me a chad load of clothes a month before christmas. Heck, Id like a chad load of clothes for christmas. Only saw studius for five minutes. Having serious mack withdrawls. Ive been depending on shmee for that, lately. Shes good but Id rather not feel awkward and shameful around her mom anymore. Ive already accidently called her shmee. Our professor views youtube more than we do. Yesterday, Stude, being super studious even came back to class, child in tow, just to be involved in his group. Thats dedication, I gotta say. Seems coleman needs that kind of dedication, though.

by the power of chad, i will never go hungry again

today is tuesday. there is much rejoicing.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lets get together, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Today, sweet fog hid the gleaming sun from eyes. Thank you low-lying clouds. I went to Pizza Hut with the gang. Yum! Pizza! I realized that Ive been angry about a lot of things lately and Ive resolved to stop, because its consuming me. One of my projects is going considerably well. One is going slow and crappy. Good projects to come, I think. Erm, one may turn out awesome, but i gotta stay on top of things, and ignore some other things *cough* Got into a group with shat, mantheus and kim. Excited to be first hand for their graphic design ways, as compared to mine. Already got an idea how things are gonna work. Group dynamics are good...I can get along with anyone, to a certain point. Ive never fussed with anyone who isnt my sister. Drinking a pina colada. (sorry mantheus *cough* Earmuffs! or um.... skip that last part) Its tasty. My eyes are tired. Had a good day so far.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cold, wet, earlynesses

Next semester, the early morning bells are going to call me. 8 o'clock classes? me? do they know me? Tears.....excessively......*coldness filling my lungs* Cant handle the graphic design early morning classes pressure........*Heavy Breathing* Anywho, its raining today, a bit chilly, and well, I got a late start. But the sweetest shmee I know hooked me up with a delicious hot chocolate. I heart shmee, repeatedly. My lily smells pretty. Im sniffing her right now.Everyones gone to tour our new classroom. I didnt go, thought I would see it enough next semester. Shats not here...tears on my pillow later. Oh! and apparently its illegal to laugh in the rain outside. But, theres nothing to laugh about now that Im inside.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I model, naturally (even if my hair is Brown.)

While nothing of excitment happened today, Im really sleepy, and tard. Thought Arbys, and therefore hurried there to experience the goodness. We pumped Orlando. First lily, then me and shmee, and later I watched the stude pump orlando from afar. We chated for a while before we all had places we had to be. Forgot to remind shmee to get her address changed in the office. It was my job, and I failed miserably. TJ's coming home tommarrow. YAY! Lily lost her phone, and we had an adventure to find it. Shat is officially dating his girlfriend, finally. He seems really happy. My wenis needs moisturizer, badly.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Hey! look! shananagans!

Today, left out on my journey exceptionally early, for shame. At the very moment, Bell is stuttering about digging holes. Posed for pictures, did jumping jacks for mantheus. He later rested his crotch on my shoulder. Shat did the same, at the same time. awkwardness. Had coconut ice cream. *Dreamy* Wow. it was great. Shmee just called tater old. I personally agree. Studious wrote some profanity on my graphic art. It mentioned pelvis radiation. Bell also mentioned he hated thongs between his toes. None of my business, man. My day in a nutshell

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Merry Haloween

Everyone's ansy today because its haloween. Lily gave me a black rose...beautiful. Im a fairy. Professor tater is dressed as a wanker today. too busy smelling bogangles to consentrate.

Friday, October 27, 2006

oh! look at those pickles.

today, beautifully fulfilling, yet breathtakingly fast. Didnt do any actual schooling, although i was there for a long time. During which, my virginity was questioned. It can still be in question for all i care. Red, once being my favorite color of hair, now make me nausiated and looking for the nearest toilet. Mantheus, I still enjoy gazing upon your hair, you didnt keep your hair for extra attention. Its funny how so many people took that joke the wrong way. I as always, was sarcastic, and joking about the whole thing. I never felt inadequate about my luscious brown hair. you cant be happy trying to impress someone else all the time, you know. the person i want to read this probably wont. after school, went to Lily's lovely home and indulged on deliscous sandwhiches, pickles, cider and shrimp. In that order. First of all, lily makes a good sandwhich. Its weird because i dont think theres a secret to her sandwich making. they are just always soooo good. Next, those pickles, were awesome. They were homemaid, double sweet, and well, the deamiest pickles I have ever had the pleasure of tasting. I ate a bunch plain and I had a lot on my sandwhich. I could still prally eat a whole lot more. *sigh* pickles have never made me so excited. anywho, lily's homemaid cider. yes. great stuff. We watched "the others". It was great seeing shat and lily's cuz faces since theyd never seen it. Yup. that was my day. made my way home in the rain. got behind the pansiest bunch of drivers possible. too timid to speed up although it wasnt raining. grrr.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

red toothpaste and black shoelaces

yesterday i forgot to mention that professor Bell used his evil brainwaves to convince another classmate of mine to unplug my mouse. They finally plugged it back in, but it still didnt work, causing me to reboot the computer with my stuff still open, unsaved. That could have been disasterous. It wasnt though, cuz i save so often anyways. Im in desktop publishing right now. Not learning anything. charlie is throwing gum across the room. Pretty daddy is behind me out the window smoking a cigerette, or Reefer, cant tell which.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Cheese, like the wind.

today started off slow, had a good thirty minutes alone with professor tater in his office. yes. the lights were off. Later, shmee and I jokingly decided to go redheaded for haloween. its because we are pain stakingly, incredably uncontrolably jealous of redheads. Natural redheads, dyed ones, apparently ones who arent redheaded yet but will be, etc.... It must be so obvious to everyone in the room. Yall have no idea how annoyed i get everytime studious and mantheus objectify that poor vulger horndog. *ahem* anywho...shat was violated. repeatedly by professor Bell. Shame! get a room, next time. theres a closet, man! I suceeded, finally, with my semester long goal. I singlehandedly caused professor Tater to want cheese. Score!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

hey, jealousy.

I think a lot of us are feeling inadequate in our graphic classes. I know i was, for a while. Its like being pushed into a funk and its been a struggle to get back. When ever i think i might wanna quit, for some reason i remember how much i loved graphic design when i first started. Back when i was not feeling pressured to be awesome with everything, and not comparing myself to other awesome people. I always felt really lucky to find a career path that would allow my creativeness and artistic side to be used. Thats why I havent quit yet, although the drama would be beautiful! Anywho, its late. and well i have some more work to do, and many miles to walk before i sleep.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Studious in red

Weve taken to aplauding lily when she enters a room. the look on her face is priceless, cuz she doesnt care for all that attention. today was no different. we get odd looks, but neither me nor shmee care much. today was loverly. didnt get wenised in the eye because someone wanted to model more than me, not saying that kind of thing would go down...*ahem* Poor Shatty may have been in a bad mood. Even lily's tearjerking reendition of Bohemian Rhapsody wouldnt bring him around. I gotta say, it was better than kelly picklers discusting version. Saw a lot of green today in Desktop Publishing. Thats all I will say about that. Took a test today for tomarrow's class that i wont be in. Profesor tator might actually trust me cuz he gave it to me and then left. I was too busy actually doing the test to realize that he was gone. I finished and looked up for him. He was gone! Not that I would have cheated, I have higher standards for myself than that. After school shmee and I went on a hunt for shananagans. We eventually found them in the form of one Studious *ahem* stud, *ahem* looking hot in that red shirt, fellah... Hope shmee and I didnt get him fired. He dropped some stuff when we were cat-calling him. those rollie chairs were fun. After I dropped off shmee, my day was down hill. and uphill....towards my house.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

sweet shananagan stuff

Today, excessively uneventful besides the over printing of the same box. I didnt know being short included apoligizing profusely for visiting the print offices more than once. Shanananagan! However, I dont have high hopes for my grade this time either. Whatever, I always have next semester. During photography, studious was getting his mac on. indeed, the girl in question was not wearing a hairnet and the two were not using the service entrance, but he was all about that chick. studied briefly for a test while watching Shatworth play games. Lily tried to end my boredome by showing me the end of the world, badger, and magical trevor....Highly amusing. Wearing a confederate hat at this very moment. Looking hot.

Monday, October 16, 2006

thanks for the memories...

okay heres my fall break, condensed. Left a day early to hit the beach. Went to Emerald was loverly. The weather was sunny and cool. It rained a bit at night. for more details and photos, check out lady rea's blog. shes produced an awesome report. came back home to sleep it off for four days. Now Im back at school. bleck.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

cha cha cha

welps, this will be my last post for a whole week. Im going to the beach. Im very excited. Wishing certain other peoples could come along too. Ill miss you guys! Im having trouble typing tonight, one handed because smuge, the dog, is laying on my other one. usually she'd have to find her own head rest, but shes feeling under the weather. her tail has been drooping all day. poor thing. usually shes so happy. Im excited about being a bum. Usually I am anyway, but this week I wont feel bad for it. Im feeling better about my projects now. Im not saying they are any better, I just am putting more love into them than I was. I think that'll make the difference. I didnt get to see shmee today, because I didnt come in early. I highly regret it now. My day just wasnt complete. Theres always tomarrow though! I highly miss her at this moment. Shat just told me about something I must try if I ever go to Outback again. Two words: orlando sauce. Thank you shat! I keep bumping smuge accidently. she looks up at me with those sad, beady lil black eyes. hope shes better tommarrow. anywho, i think ive said enough tonight. until next time, dearest friends!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

ooooo! Bright! and and Shiny!

Hello, and good day. Lifes been too hectic to post lately. This afternoon, shmee brought up a good point many may not have noticed about me. I am easily distracted. Thats not the point she was making, but thats the reason for what Im about to say. You see, I can hardly wear any jewelry. Shiny objects catch my attention. and I move them around. Like rings, I twist, switch fingers, gaze at, or slide. so, I would often take them off, and put them in my pocket. She thought I was have problems with the person who gave me the ring. I was simply trying to stay focused.

Friday, September 29, 2006

I could use some chapstick

Hi Friends. Im sorry to say I missed class today. I am ashamed. Sometimes its hard to get up and face the world. I had several things due today, and I sent emails to my professor. I hope he got them. I sent them to two different places, just in case he didnt check one of them. I spent 2.5 hours loading the attachment files for said assignments. Ive officially had enough of dial up. I missed seeing my friends, but Im used to missing people who I really like to spend time with, I miss TJ all the time. He and I have gotten into a habit of wanting to talk to each other all the time. We just dont run out of things to say. My mom's annoyed with me because of it. Often I get the feeling she doesnt think Im going anywhere, and she doesnt understand why I am so tired at night, or why I spend hours up ever night working. I just dont have time at school and the computer is never free until 9:30. Tonight it wasnt until 11. I spend all my time thinking about my school work, doing school work, or worrying over it. I am aware that never shows in the finished product. That bothers me. I did get some cleaning down in my room today. Now you can see the floor.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Try the Snoz-berries! They taste like Snoz-berries!

Hi you guys! Im in a super-fab-tabulous mood. if you cant read that, watch the original Willie Wonka. I gotta say, I love my friends! Theyve done so much for me! Cant show or say my appreciation enough to them. Sigh....they are just too nice! I've had my ups and downs with people I thought were my friends in the past. I mean the only person I was friends with in high school that I still talk to is well, the shat. And we werent really friends then! But anywho....its nice to have friends you can really depend on, and trust. Good stuff....Today, I saw a lot of Professor Tater. I'm sure he's tired of my shananagans. Im indifferent to his. He will not win. No matter how many times he posts....haha....private joke.....

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Im a Rhino! Arf. Arf.

Ive decided I am sorry, somewhat, about my comments towards professor Bell. I would rather he didnt kiss my ass. The post before that was written in haste. I hate it when something huge happens and youre not allowed to talk about it. Maybe later I can. But anywho, I wrote down my thoughts before even deciding that i should say certain things. I assure you all that I am not down on myself. I am also, as an added point, aware that I feel I have lots of potential in the graphic design field. I wont be pushed aside that easily, because I know I have a lot of good ideas, I just havent learned how to do them yet. Anywho! I hate excuses and whining. Im definatly working extra hard on the rest of my projects. Be afraid, yall.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Who are you lurking at?

I heard this morning (by a lil birdie, a yellow one) that professor Bell was weeding out students by giving us hard-ass projects and being overly strict with his grading. We are all aware of the grade I recieved. Trying to send me a message, sir? I have one retort. Kiss my ass. You cant get rid of me that easily. You think I suck? I havent even finished learning Illustrator, and youve already judged my skills as less than average? You know, I wasnt graded at all on my graphic skills or ideas? Just because the die was wrong before I even got ahold of it, and i couldnt figure out how it went? I will overcome. Illiteracy prevails. Feather, Feather, Feather.

Stupid yo-yos

Today, this blog wont make sense to anyone but me. I learned something that could possibly change my life, if I let it. Im not ready (not sure if I will ever be) to talk about it. I dont want to say details. Dont Ask. Im just saying: everything I ever thought about myself, how I was not good enough, not important enough, and not the best, was suddenly made clear that I was right about, at the time. My feelings, the way I view myself, has of course changed drastically since then. But its heartbreaking, to realize that I was right. Those feelings will never return. Im okay. Im over this already, but not really. Fogetting will be the hardest because certain things, words and places will always remind me. Cant say some things will ever be the same.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Well, if it aint sand in my hair, and breeze between my toes

So...Another weekend gone, you say? I need a good long week to rest up. A vacation to the beach would be just the stuff. Oh! Wait! I am going to the beach! I love large bodies of water. I cant swim, however. just float, temperarily. also, the ocean is litered with the Jelly's. They freakin suck! I mean, they only hurt for a lil while, and the pain isnt that bad, but everytime i get in the water and see one, all i think about is "Oh! was that it touching me? am i being stung?" and then i go sit in the hot sand. But, I love the beach! The water reservoir just isnt as good.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Because Im a Lady Thats Why

I guess I should be ashamed but Im not about that last post. I dont have any excuses, only that I was mad and that should be reason enough. I usually do not cuss, and there are certain words I would never say under any circumstances. I didnt post yesterday, so Ill do a quick recap: went to walgreens, supposedly my pictures that I was told were sold were "blank" however no negatives to prove this claim were available. Lily, who breeds rabbits for profit and pleasure went back home to retrieve 7 bunnies that she was planning to sell. I went with her. I dont think I was very much help but I managed to wrangle two for the cause. Lily caught the other five in the same amount it took me to catch the two. On the way to Shlonis, we almost died. We then went to Mrs. Hickey's home. Shat showed up later. I thought he was already drunk. I had to leave early due to a prior engagement. (I got married) (just kidding) thats it really. While i was off with lily, i later learned, many people were tryingto get ahold of me. if i had a better phone, Mom, I would have got the calls.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Content not suitable for children

Today, Im pissed. Not at you, professor bell, unless you buy photos without looking at them before leaving. Only idiots do that. Shall I tell you why there is one said blonde on my hit list? Okay! I will! Heres how it went down: So I was totally not procrastinating this week for our photography assignment. I was done 2 days in advance. Yes! I celebrated mentally. I dropped off my photos at Walgreens, although I had heard stories. 15% discounts really cant be beat. The Blonde at the counter was chatty and spacey, but i wasnt skeerd. She'd processed my photos before. So I tell her I will get them the next day (today, now) she says Ill ring you up as 1 hour! I say no! Im not waiting...I ll be back tomarrow...this was 5:30ish. Today I go back. I was relieved to see that ditz was not there. Way too friendly to be enjoyable. I hand my claim ticket to the nice, innocent man at the counter. He looks for my pictures. and looks....and looks...and looks... and looks. He checks the computer. hands me my ticket. Says those pictures have already been purchased. Effing Impossible! I laugh in his face. Funny joke...No! Really! Find my damn pictures. He tells me they were sold at 6:19 yesterday afternoon. I was at home. I have the claim ticket. Where the hell are my pictures? Does the ditz just hand pictures to random people? whats the purpose of claim tickets? Can she read? Tommarrow, at walgreens, things will not be pretty. I know shes working tomarrow. I hope she cries.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bad Influences

Geee, Shloni. Apparently, Mrs. Hickey's van means trouble trouble trouble. We decided to go to a low quality mexican resteraunt today, instead of having class. We were with our two teachers: Professors Tator and Bell. We had a jolly-good time. "Authority" figures can sometimes be entertaining. We (as in members of the Order) took photos over at watson stage. Seriously hoping they turn out good. I had a couple creepy moments in the hallway in the back of the stage. Does anyone know if its supposed to be haunted? all i know is, Im glad shmee was there, except im not sure i would have noticed if i were alone. I kept feeling a presence behind me...grrr! creepy. I hope the picture shmee took has something in it! Class was a bit depressing. Only made 62 on Mr. Rubiks. Definately redoing! I was angry at prof. bell for about five minutes, then i realized I was the one who half-assed the thing the whole time. I am indeed a bum. Well, actually Im a serial procrastenator. I wonder if anyones noticed? Im not as bad a procrastonater as TJ, though. If you think Im bad, try getting him to get stuff done. He is Sooooo easy going about everything. He rubbed off on me, although I was already sorta that way. I got worse after I started hanging with him.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pie-flavored skivving snackboxes

Apparently Shloni is a bad influence. She convinced Lily and I to skip class. Shame! Loni! You trickster, you! It was a good thing too, I was completly out of control during lunch and on into the afternoon. I was in a great mood. We ventured over to the bread store. I bought a cheese danish and Lily bought everyone pies. the words 'danish' and 'pie' are my favorites. as well as 'sandwich' 'shananagan' and 'wenis.' Those pies are awesome! Im still having really good thoughts about the cherry one I ate. Im unsure as to whether Im the only one who feels this way, but I hate other drivers on the road. Thats all other drivers that I have to endeur. I have to drive 20 miles to and from school everyday: 80 minutes total...give or take a few. Ive decided that if you are on the road at the same time I am, I hate you. That sounds aweful because I really dont hate people, but other drivers arent people to me...just huge metal gnats that wont stop flying around me because i cant swat at them properly. Yesh...I use profanity in my head directed at slow old people and destracted women doing their make up and other people that are in a hurry and cut me off. During all other times of the day I have quite pleasant thoughts about everyone.

Monday, September 18, 2006

hairnets: a bit dry and somewhat chewy

oh! Sweet relief! *nice stretch* mind is clear! Geee! I turned in my cube today...I think. If i get into my car and see it waiting an evil plague that you just cant repel, a rash that cremes wont remove, an infatuated boy that doesnt hear the word "no." etc. I may have a mental breakdown...or be really annoyed. either one. anywho...I am never satisfied with my work! I can always do something to it. Im that way...always wanting to make improvements. I hated that cube when it was printed! Im so ashamed! but, that moment is over. I love graphics classes. Ive got it so much better than I did in assosiate in arts world...the coolest person i ever met in those classes was shmee, shes a scientific oddity though. you dont find them like shmee: shes a nifty kid! This last week, Ive had the best lunches at school. The food wasnt anything to write home about, but everyone there was so funny... Ive found the funniest people Ive ever met...I dont think Ive ever laughed so muchin a 45 minute period. I cant recollect what was said, so now i feel bad for bringing it up.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Carry on, Carry on! As if nothing really matters...

Ahhh! home at last! cold feet as usual. Hungry, as usual. Playing online instead of doing work i need to have done tomarrow, as usual. Nothings changed! Im just happy because this time tommarow, I dont have to think about rubiks cubes ever again. Thats excluding the ceremonial burning of mock copy I spent way too much time twiddling with. I do have everything ready to be printed tomarow...counting on a woman whom Ive never met to decide my fate. Better be there, you beastly woman or theres a few choice words about how grotesque your wenis is will be thrown your way. Im unsure how well this is going to turn out. But hey, living on the edge is fun! Still cant honestly admit to understanding how that cube goes correctly. Theres just some things i dont know, and dont want to know how they work. Rubiks cubes, computers, microwaves, cheese-its, snow globes, those therometers that have balls floating in water....etc. I Dont Want To Know! Please let me stay in the dark! I need to save my mind storage for the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody and all the lines in Dirty Dancing! Way more important!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I didnt post yesterday. Bad! shvic! but...I had good reason. We traveled 6 hrs. to virginia to visit my boyfriend, TJ. We didnt get there until 12. *sigh* Anywho... I went to kings dominion today. For those who dont know: its a lot like carowinds, being owned by the same company. This time, I refused to ride any of the scary rides. I had a loverly day, but my legs are tard. I may be, at this very moment, missing lily's party. I am however there in spirit...causing shananagans.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The word Rubik's is now on the dirty list

Well, today was just as uneventful as yesterday. Of all the classes Im in, one class in particular is taking all my energies; seeing as how I was lost and confused on my assignment for several weeks. Its due monday, and well, we shall see whether I get it turned in. Im not one to stress about stuff like that, so Im not freaking out. I still have 4 days...

In other news, tomarrow's friday. YAY!

The weather was awesome, today, by the way. My only complaint, my good pal Lily wasnt at school very long. Shmee and I barely made it through without her. Lunch just wasnt the same. If your reading Lily: we missed you!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oh! Look! A Unicorn!

Hi guys! This is my first blog ever, and I have to say I am very excited. Oddly enough, Ive had my own blog playing in my head for many years and Im glad to let this stuff out! Im not much of a whiner, but, and not saying I will a lot, this is my blog, and Ill do what I want! That being said, though, I have nothing to whine, gripe, or fuss about. Today, excluding the nasty weather, was a perfectly loverly day. So...this concludes my debut blog: thanks so much for reading and I hopefully will see you again tomarrow!