Thursday, November 30, 2006

I love coconuts!

Aggrevated Charlie today. Turned off the row of computers. Priceless memories...*sigh* Shenanigans went on that I dont know about, I reckon. Innapropriateness on the other computer, more people who bought their pants too small. The computer wont eject my pin drive. Had a good lunch at subway, at wal-mart. worked a little on my projects. saw what was up britney's skirt: it was all scrambled and pixelated, as I figured.


Maddux said...

That was awesome when you clicked the powerstrip switch to all those computers.

I'm just glad it wasn't the power switch to my computer.

Maddux said...

"Hey Y'all! Watch Theeiiss!"


Bottlecapster said...

Thats how V teaches newbs to use the save button. I bet Ol' Charlie boy will be saving quite often next time.

Maddux said...

In Shvic was turning the power back on....she did say:
"Thou shalt save often."


Anonymous said...

Shmee is still cracking up

Shvic said...

yeah...darn it charlie! Save your stuff.