Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Cold, wet, earlynesses

Next semester, the early morning bells are going to call me. 8 o'clock classes? me? do they know me? Tears.....excessively......*coldness filling my lungs* Cant handle the graphic design early morning classes pressure........*Heavy Breathing* Anywho, its raining today, a bit chilly, and well, I got a late start. But the sweetest shmee I know hooked me up with a delicious hot chocolate. I heart shmee, repeatedly. My lily smells pretty. Im sniffing her right now.Everyones gone to tour our new classroom. I didnt go, thought I would see it enough next semester. Shats not here...tears on my pillow later. Oh! and apparently its illegal to laugh in the rain outside. But, theres nothing to laugh about now that Im inside.

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