Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pie-flavored skivving snackboxes

Apparently Shloni is a bad influence. She convinced Lily and I to skip class. Shame! Loni! You trickster, you! It was a good thing too, I was completly out of control during lunch and on into the afternoon. I was in a great mood. We ventured over to the bread store. I bought a cheese danish and Lily bought everyone pies. the words 'danish' and 'pie' are my favorites. as well as 'sandwich' 'shananagan' and 'wenis.' Those pies are awesome! Im still having really good thoughts about the cherry one I ate. Im unsure as to whether Im the only one who feels this way, but I hate other drivers on the road. Thats all other drivers that I have to endeur. I have to drive 20 miles to and from school everyday: 80 minutes total...give or take a few. Ive decided that if you are on the road at the same time I am, I hate you. That sounds aweful because I really dont hate people, but other drivers arent people to me...just huge metal gnats that wont stop flying around me because i cant swat at them properly. Yesh...I use profanity in my head directed at slow old people and destracted women doing their make up and other people that are in a hurry and cut me off. During all other times of the day I have quite pleasant thoughts about everyone.


Anonymous said...

I too am not fond of other drivers whilst driving...I tend to be the Commander of the Road and take over it myself...and I have been known to catch up with speeders and run them down...um...I mean...uh....

Bottlecapster said...

Sheesh. I will be heading to school before the sun rises so that I don't encounter the devil drivers. You ladies have some wicked sick road rage issues going on. lol

Shvic said...

ur...i dont head out until about mid-morning. your safe until then. But you might need to wait until sunset to make your way back. Shmee...you scared me that one day! I still have nightmares about screeching tires and flying cheese.

Maddux said...

Other drivers are my pet peeve. Yes. So...I just go faster than anyone else on the road so they don't bother me. But when I do encounter an errant car...I bash it a few times in the bumper with Old Blue...just to get my point across.