Monday, December 04, 2006

Wenis: I cant help but speak thy name.

Another monday gone. 2 more left of the semester. luckily, ive got my work load under control, I hope. Gotta buy presents. Always putting that off. I definatly dont mind buying gifts, I just wish there was a place that sold stuff I would actually give to people with being terribly ashamed of the gift itself. If your special enough for me to go out and find something especially for you, Id like for that gift to be just as special. Wal-mart just doesnt cut it for me. Thats probably what annoys me the most about christmas shopping there. That and all the people. I went there this morning, and it wasnt badly crowded, but there was a shocking amount of people shopping. Im super excited about saturday...something going on...cant say what exactly, but its gonna be awesome. TJ's coming in friday, just for it. Too bad shmee cant be there. Im bringing along little shmee. Im baking cookies and I might bring a couple other things...*sigh* Im excited. Looking forward to it man. But anywho, so "Mr. Treadway" *cough* has us doing a presentation the last day of class. Im not too worried about myself. planning on fixing the rubiks by the end of class. Its a hard ship that I dont mind getting past. If i would just come home and do it tomarrow...Yall may not see me long in class tomarrow. Gotta run over and get free food...if I remember.

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