Friday, January 12, 2007

This is my Wenis. It is the Wenis that will make me famous.

Today is the last day I will be in Virginia. Leaving this afternoon. 6hrs plus stopping to eat and to get gas....reckon we'll be home around midnights. But anywho, this town is not the coolest place to live. I prefer trees. and grass. and cows. Tuesday, cant wait to see you guys. Looking forward to talking to people who can understand what Im saying or dont talk to me as if Im stupid. I get that a lot around here. Usually I dont try to open my mouth. Just smile and nod. Gonna miss seeing TJ everyday...thats the only part though.

For typography Im either gonna use Shenanigan or Evanescent. I was supposed to choose three but I have this huge blankness come over my brain. Cant think of nothing today. Same for the group work. Lily's idea is awesome! I was reading it and I was like...Come on self! you can think of stuff to go with that! but, brain just wouldnt do it. Shmee: Word to your mommy! It has to be weird not riding with me to school anymore. Im not sure I can handle it. So has there been card playing? Real Orlando still not back? Has Chad given us an assignment yet? Life without school is, er, uneventful.

oh! this is a message to stude, the other member of the modeling club. I watched the America's Next Top Model marathon last week and got some awesome ideas. They also appear to have taken some of your famous poses and claimed them as their own. I was shocked! to say the least...

1 comment:

Maddux said...

Shvic! You're coming home! That's awesome....The Shat just doesn't suffice!
