Thursday, January 18, 2007

Snowy/rainy days

welps... Today at school I was....*sniffle* alone. Well, not completely. But I was missing two very important minxes. Lily! Shmee! I miss you two! I think I may go on home, seeing as how we wont have a teach in typography. Shlonster will be there but she has proclaimed that there isnt much going on in there. Guess Ill skedadle home and work instead. Squeaky feet keep distracting me. I reckon I will slowly make my way home. Gotta be cautious on days like this. Lily, Shmee: I miss you! Shmee....where are ya? Im so cold...and and and it has nothing to do with the weather.


Mommy2Brennan&Blaine said...

DicTater cancelled class in the morning!! So, dont go!! I guess go at 11. Pass on the word!

Maddux said...

Oh, Shvic...I got there as soon as I could.