Monday, January 22, 2007

Icy -crusted wenis?

Hi yall. Ive been trying to get of hold of shmee via the telly, but no success. Uncomfortable driving in the current conditions around myself. I have been watching the news and I do reckon that the ice is melting, and apparently non-existant at our school, but it is definatly still present, abundantly so here at my house. I apparently live in the darkest, coldest corner of the county...or something. Theres portions of my road that are still questionable. And therefore unsure if I should even try. Shmee: Im sorry I couldnt get ahold of you sooner. Im so ashamed!

Ooo.... Wide legged jeans are coming back! People of 1998 rejoice. For me, they never really left.


Maddux said...

I love wide-legged jeans. I must get some new ones!

Anonymous said...

as long as you are safe!

Wide legs were awesome!

Mommy2Brennan&Blaine said...

oooo shvic, you are not alone! tis I that dwell in the dark, lonely, very cold corner of the county also! Took all of my swollen nerve to face the ice with tha child!