Thursday, December 21, 2006

fluttery elves!

I woke up this morning, fumbled my way to the living room, glanced out the window and saw: it looks christmas-ish outside! sweet! theres a couple cardinals out on the bird feeder and the sky looks like er...wintery. Um, havent been outside, but it looks cold, which is good enough for me. Lily, if your reading this, I may have said saturday I had plans, but alas, I meant friday. So its saturday that I can join you. I guess I should email you too. Sorry other readers, that just came to my head. Im just a small bit dyslexic and mixed up my days. Gotta get the shopping done with mom tomarrow...morning. We arent crazy enough to try shopping the saturday before christmas.

Hi everone reading this! Order: I miss you guys!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

cat legs and bacon wrapped er...

had lunch with my pals, hopefully not for the last time this year...we shall see, I guess. The food, not spectacular. But the company definately made up for it. heard some unfairness in grading from some coleman members. Some innapropriate talk from various indiviuals some cursing from some, and er...some joking, laughing and carrying on. Twas great. Already missing you guys though...

Full of eggnog. Ive never met anyone else as obsessed with eggnog as me. Gosh! its so good. Heavy whipping cream and cinnamon. yum! anywho...missing cider. thats good stuff. Wal-mart has been sold out of the powdered packages and, well, lilys so far away...*sigh* cocoa doesnt really match it.

Im excited about christmas. Thats right. Christmas. I love Christmas.

Monday, December 18, 2006

free at last!

oh, sweet relief. by the way, if yall dont get my lil phrases, please refer to O, brother, where art thou? which is one of my all time favorite films. anywho, got a huge burdon lifted off my shoulders: a presentation. The only bad part about it, I would say, was the boards kept falling off. Gee! I stood on the other side away from my team just to catch them when they fall, but I was the only one they fell upon. *sigh* anywho...t-way should be psychodically proud of himself: his class was a huge challenge. The whole semester long. My poor brain was so stripped of its natural capabilities (shoe lace tying, which i know can no longer accomplish; holding a spoon with my left hand; french braiding my own hair; etc.) that the creativeness oozed out. Im lucky I didnt flunk out I guess. Should I have shown some leg during the presentation? I think I should have. Maybe my wenis should have been exposed. It was most of the day. I got pastels all over my *cough* chest/side when fetching some old artwork. It was a member of coleman or colman, i guess, to whom said pictures with pastels belonged to, surprisingly. *cough/sigh* Not accusing anyone of a looks suspicious. but anywho I covered those bright pink spots with a jacket. I got some lovely gifs today. first shmee got me a jewelry box. Its so pretty! i needed one...I can always use a spare one. yes, ear rings were flying though I got that box. It has a floralish design on it. Its spectacular! ahhh...then lily got wenis members matching fam-tabulous hats! wow they have our names on them! mine said shvic! twas great. Im wearing it now. Shat also got me a bag of goodies: smelly stuff...and candy! anywho thanks you guys! yall really shouldnt have, but Im glad you did. *missing my friends already* we're eating at shang-hai, 12ish noonish tomarrow if anyone reading this wants to come...everyones invited.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Cheese nips?

yeah! everythings done, finally. Just gotta print everything. Got most of the makita stuff. Which brings me to my story today. Went to staples to get that stuff printed. for some reason, i thought they only charged $.40 for a print...silly me, I didnt think theyd actually charge $2.50 to open every single file. and $.99 for other things...didnt catch what that was for...but anywho, I had five things I needed to print so I told her to forget it. $24 for 6 prints? Poppycock! Anywho...Mom was with me. Told her itd be cheeaper to break down and buy replacement ink. Theyd lasted all semester without buying any! So I found a nice young man to help me pick out the right one. Thank you, Stude for "helping" me find "ink cartriges." anywho...bought the one he directed me to. The poor thing, he tried to find us the right one. I thought it was the right one too, Stude. Okay got it to the car. Stepdad says its the wrong one. sends back in to look for a model, that as far as staples is concerned, doesnt exist. We stick with the one stude found for us. Its special that way, you see. We hop in the car. Close the doors softly, that angers him. Tell him staples doesnt recognize x75 as a printer model. He takes us to wal-mart. he finds the correct one. tells us that wal-mart is the only place to buy said cartridge as he *cough* told us *cough* before...*cough* We take the beautiful one stude picked out back to staples. Yay! 3 times in a row. Whatever, feel only slightly retarded. Otherwise...excited cuz I no longer have to see Penni this semester. Hold on...tomarrow's the last day of school. er...okay. Theres always next semester.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

festive little cider monkeys

With the anticipation mounting all week for the party I went to Saturday, I got up at the break of dawn to construct cookies for this infamous event. Aye, TJ helped by stirring and forming the cookies...and I used my tried and true, really old recipe from the 1950's betty crocker edition cookbook. they turned out prettier than usual. They knew where they were heading, after all, and well, tj formed every cookie by hand. Hes a perfectionist, you see. So we skedadled down to lily's. Got there was playing across the land...lilys kingdom is magic, if you didnt know. had some cider....mantheus, shloni, kevster, and daveed joined us. played balderdash...laughed histerically. Learned my good friend lily is a extraordinary lier. tish, tish, lily! tehe. Had a great time. Drank lots of cider, cant remember much after that. Theres a couple of things I cant not remember. Loni. Maple syrup. exotic dancing. shake it off, shvic. shake it off.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Thinking Arbys was Awesome. I love poppers from there. *sigh* A meal in itself, Id say. Uncle Kenny's makes good ones too. I reckon I might buy myself some frozen ones and have them in the middle of the night, if i want. My kingdom offers no poppers anywhere, especially after nine. Its only tuesday. Self, you need to do some work this afternoon. Im gonna take some pics tonight, when the lights are on. Thatd make pretty reflections. Ive just wondered why the macs have dvd players. What graphic design students gonna need that? Whatever, were watching PotC2! It came out today...super exciting. *shouting out to TJ* Looked at brochures in joans. May need to hurry up and whip those out. My hand smells of metal. eww.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Wenis: I cant help but speak thy name.

Another monday gone. 2 more left of the semester. luckily, ive got my work load under control, I hope. Gotta buy presents. Always putting that off. I definatly dont mind buying gifts, I just wish there was a place that sold stuff I would actually give to people with being terribly ashamed of the gift itself. If your special enough for me to go out and find something especially for you, Id like for that gift to be just as special. Wal-mart just doesnt cut it for me. Thats probably what annoys me the most about christmas shopping there. That and all the people. I went there this morning, and it wasnt badly crowded, but there was a shocking amount of people shopping. Im super excited about saturday...something going on...cant say what exactly, but its gonna be awesome. TJ's coming in friday, just for it. Too bad shmee cant be there. Im bringing along little shmee. Im baking cookies and I might bring a couple other things...*sigh* Im excited. Looking forward to it man. But anywho, so "Mr. Treadway" *cough* has us doing a presentation the last day of class. Im not too worried about myself. planning on fixing the rubiks by the end of class. Its a hard ship that I dont mind getting past. If i would just come home and do it tomarrow...Yall may not see me long in class tomarrow. Gotta run over and get free food...if I remember.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Another blog, just for fun. TJ's been really good to me lately, Im super proud, I must say, because Ive been a bit crabby. Well, not crabby, but just tired. Im very tired. Especially at night when Im talking to him. Hes super understanding, and Im really glad. Hes a nice guy, actually. Most of yall havent met him but I highly recomend it. Lily does too, Im sure. Hes planning to be at our christmas party coming up. That should be fun! I can get intoxicated from lily's cider and he can drive me home....or something. Im just joking. Lily doesnt put alchohol in her cider, I dont reckon. It does make me super happy though. Lily throws a hot party. Im excited.

lions and tigers and bears!

After following a haybell to class, working hard on my cliche project eating a delicious meal at kotos, turning in my project late, and starting on my new project, Im pretty tired. I usually am. Ive realized I have a lot to do before christmas break. But, I reckon its not impossible. Ive decided that Ill have to start setting short term goals for every day. Like, get the beach itself done by the end of the day. I also have to find a suitable person to take sand to the beach. Also, I need to do some stuff on my Makita-nesses...That stuff is going slow, although I really only have a couple things I need to do. The book's progress has stopped, so I need to pick back up on that Im gonna have to do some drawings by hand and recreate them. The new project for 140 is to design a cd, cover, and booklet. I have had this project before. I maybe can do a whole lot better this time. I picked Shinedown...they are my favorite. Yall do realize that CD was my first project ever? Shwow! it sucked: the mic. pic was pixelated. ewww! Anywho...oh! gots lots of stuff with that zoo project to do: keep finding crap I havent done for it. menus, bumperstickers, flyers....grrr. Also got that photo journal. That probably will be extra fun. I like photography the best out of everything. I like most of this stuff that Im doing, Id just like to not have to do them all at once. Whatever, though, at least one thing isnt occupying all of my thoughts.