Friday, March 30, 2007

high-fives in the foggy gloom

Woke up to, and drove to school with, a glorious sunrise. It was metallic-ish. Very shiny and pretty! Im so happy its friday.

If you want cheese, just ask Shloni.

Quiet suppressed giggles fill the room.

All the boys in class look stern. All the girls are giggling.

Unsure whats going on, because I have a sausage biscuit. yay! real food!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Epiphany in the shower

So, Ive been having epiphanies in the shower. Yes, I have great ideas while washing. I think it has to do with good smelling soap and hot water. No, I won't tell what these thoughts are.

Driving to school, all the sky did was mist. Go ahead and rain already. Gee. It may have rained last night. I cant say for certain, because I was asleep. But if it did rain, I wish the sun would come out. This wetness is really bringing me down.

Yes frog pornagraphy happened in my backyard. One frog was there, just to watch. Frogs are pervs too, I guess. They didnt appreciate me taking photos. I felt dirty even watching.

Now adays, Im hopelessy addicted to digital photography. Those photos turn out so much better. Plus I dont have to wait to have them developed. Instant gratification, I say.

Nothing cracks me up more when I see people dressed up as sailor moon characters. Not cute, guys.

Poor professor hickey is not amused by her students. The second year ones, mostly.

Tater is not here. Getting dressed, from what I here.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

high fives in the sunshine

well, nothing much to write about. Going slow, mostly. We had glen's for lunch. Good weener.

Lily's planning for a after graduation beach trip. purr!

Er, sleeping in tomarow. Super excited.

Voted for student government. Big decisions were made. Lives will be changed I'm sure.

Planning to win $200 just for parking. Im telling you: its gonna happen.

Shmee, lily, ambii and me were all trashy today. Shat was make beleive trashy.

saw a sock in the kohls parking lot. Some one is half trashy.

Got some nice blue tinted pics from eckerds. thanks guys! Blue is nicer than green.

shmee has a condem-esque object in one of her pictures. Gee shmee, you shouldnt just leave those laying.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Just around the river bend

I spent this entire weekend for the most part at the mountain of stone trying to get some nice water pictures. Everyone keeps saying water shots, but for this blog it will be water photos. We did all sorts of hiking and exploring.
Saturday, mostly we explored the step dads home place which was near garden creek. We took the road up through the woods and ventured off the path only to find some very interesting things. Things like an old spring, rusted old car remains and an old barrel with a whole on the side. The step-dad says this was probably a birdhouse.
His home place was torn down by the state when they took over the park, but there are still some cool stuff up there. The whole where the basement was is full of stagnant water..yum.
The step dad doesn't go up there anymore to show us stuff, so mom and i explored on our own. I took a bunch of pictures to ask him about later.
We had so much fun exploring. I like safe, danger-free curiosity.
I also visited widows falls. It was pretty, and luckily not many people were there. I learned later that a road goes around to the top, so a pansy like me doesnt have to hike up. Im gonna look for that next time.
There was a slightly drunken man hiking around the waterfall. He may not have been drunk, but he talked and acted like he was. Why would you get drunk and climb a mountain thats actually called "widow's falls"? thats crazy.
I didn't get to bingo, though, like I had thought. I was so pooped! I definitely would not be fun to bingo against. I was tired and slightly irritable.
Sunday, we hiked to the top of the falls, from the picnic shelter.
I'm afraid of heights, and I was super scared for about ten minutes up at the top most of the falls. then, the observation deck was even more frightening, but I braved it. Hopefully I got some awesome pictures. It is pretty up there, but I was scared.
I keep wondering where the creek comes from to fall over the rock. That'll take some more investigations, Im afraid.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Yaw! looking good! purr...

Shmee has an elderly neighbor whom, Ive been told is extremely nosey. I too have noticed her glaring out her door or across her yard while gardening. Tuesday, I wanted so to cat call her. I wanted real bad to yell "lookin good!" because, as I drove past, she was bending.
The same goes for today. Except there was a younger-ish guy riding out there too, and I wouldnt want him to get the idea I was calling to him. Ive been told though that the woman would not enjoy being hollared at.
Shmee let me borrow the last unicorn. It was Fabulous! A great film....*sigh* it was so pretty and sinister. Ahhh! it was better than i had imagined.
I also watched Eragon: it was super good too. I like draons!

I slept in this morning. The little dog that barks and tries to wake me found the sleeping bag I had left in the floor and slept on that instead. So all I had to do was give him a blanket the whole time! This information would have really enhanced spring break.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

River Daince!

Aye. St Patrick's is one of my favorite holidays...I always liked it because I got to wear green. It was so cold today.

Went to goodwill to donate clothes, and then taken around the city of wilkes to find my granny something for her birthday that was like two weeks ago. Wonder if she would like a boob cake? hrm.....some how I doubt it. Today was stude's birthday. Happy birthday, Stude!

Too bad they didnt get a chance to sing to him, Im sure he's a vision with a sombraro on.

Man my saturday went by fast! and well, didnt accomplish anything. Tomarrow, we are venturing to the far north, high in the mountains of ashe. Its been a long time since we went up there. Its where my grandparents live. I cant even remember last time we were up there. I am excited about the taco bell/ kfc. Yum! nachos and snackers. This year we didnt go up there for christmas like we have for the past 20 years of my life...A story I will save for a later time. But tomarrow is going to be that get-together. Thats why its so cold. I do control the weather after all.

Friday, March 16, 2007



Game boards click, done. *sigh*

got group work in typography now too. I'll say later how excited I am. Theres one chick in the group who calls herself "shmee". Shes a minx.

had a bit of boob today. It was the best I ever tasted. Yum.....made us want cake even more.

Its a rainy, glorious friday.

oh, and to clarify something: The people talking on the tv are talking to me and TJ. So there, neener. Neener.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Spring Break Files

Spring break, is, well, here! yippeee! Instead of bumming on some beach and flashing the first person I see with a camera, I have instead decided to get stuff done. Lots of stuff. I have made a complete list. It may surprise some people that I make lists. A disorganized, messy kid like me have lists? yeah its true.

So the list includes reorganizing my bedroom, getting rid of lots of junk, donate some stuff thats still in good enough condition that some one would want it. Oh! and most important making a huge dent in the portfolio class stuff. I made a list of everything I wanna do for that class too. Its been difficult because I became obsessive about them having to be perfect!

Wow! I just noticed how sunny it is. If I were 12, I would be out in the yard, running and jumping. I might do that anyway, later today.

I guess I should be back in the room. It deserves all the work I plan on putting into it. Im in there a lot. Watching TV, listening to music (Jared, *cough*) and *sigh* doing my school work. Good work comes from in there because I have a whole lot more freedom to be creative, and there are fewer distractions.

okay, today i felt like rambling, but I gotta get back.