Friday, August 31, 2007

shvic and the loo, and what she found there

Its hard to blog stories....they always seem to ramble....but I need to share! Beware, though, this story is not for the feint of heart....or something.

Several days ago, I woke in the wee hours of the morning. 4 in the morning. Nature called. *nuff said* unwilling to fully wake up, I decided NOT to turn on the light, unless it was just too dark. I peered into the shadowy toilet room, focusing on the loo.

*something dark lingered inside*

wearry, fearing the worst, cursing the fact I had to wake up, I flipped on the switch.


There, inside the toilet....was a mouse. I stood, gazing, transfixed, trying to figure out if it were alive or not. It wasnt moving. It was submerged in water, and not moving.

Now, if it were moving, I would have rescued it. Even nasty rodents dont deserve to die in a toilet.

But, it was dead, and in the toilet. so, deciding that I couldnt deal with it on my own.....and my sister's reaction would be....ahhh priceless, I left it there, used the other loo on the other side of the house and went to bed.

Hey, four in the morning, half asleep isnt a great time to make decisions!

Throughout the night....strange dreams followed this traumatic experience. The most vivid of which, my sister saving the mouse and keeping it as a pet. *something she might have done*


so 8 a.m. roles around. Finally, her noisey, early morning ramblings will comeback to bite her! HAHA......

So she opens the door. I layed in bed waiting.....

She could either not see it and use the loo and then see it, or see it, or just not see it at all.....


five seconds after those thoughts occured in my mind...she squeals! saying mommy! theres a mouse in the toilet.....

mom comes down

she screams and leaves

anywho, after this, I think mom closed the lid, crossed her fingers and flushed.

This story is a lesson to always look before you sit, always close the lid before bed, and a mouse in the toilet is always good for a few laughs...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


this is my painting period. I skiived. I danced in the rain all the way to my old classroom. *cough*

four day weekend coming up!

death to chicken tenders!

Friday, August 24, 2007

darling, your exposed!

I realize that I eat a lot of junk. And yes, I am ashamed. But, if you had tasted the delicious creation that is an oreo cakester, you wouldnt want to put away the second cake in the package either. They are a tiny, delicious, lil chocolate tease! *burr* its cold in this house! ****yarrr! pirates life is the only life! yay johnny depp! ......and stuff ***** Been working hard to get caught up with my online classes. missed a couple of assignments waiting to get added to blackboard. ****joe whos cheap will be getting my business tomarrow. Boone isnt bad in the summertime. *No comment on boone in winter.*

Thursday, August 23, 2007

trashy in the summertime, trashy in the fall!

Thursday is my new friday.

Started painting yesterday. Ive claimed it to be my new hobby. Im currently in the market for good brushes, that arent too expensive. That means a trip to Cheap Joe's! yay!

Saturday morning thats were Im headed. Boone!
But, saturday afternoon, Im going to a minx's house. Or, at least thats my plan at the moment. Im gonna steal a shmee. *giggles*

Sleep tomarrow!

Now, I havent given up my job search. There are a few places Ive been meaning to send my resumes to....but gee! schools got me distracted!

online classes, are a great idea. IF your teacher remembers to add you to the roster. Ive gotten sorted out though. Now, everything is good! yay!

Are we out for labor day?

Monday, August 20, 2007

theres a new sheriff in town

well, lily is our captain. but, Ive sailed some ships in my day....*shwink*

or something.

So Im now an official student....broo haha- to professors.

speaking of professors, I know tater is not imaginary after all. Hes real! I saw him! Shmee and I cat-called him.

There are, however, certain people Im beginning to think I imagined in my head. Shat, for one. I havent seen proof that he exists in months....the cafe lady seems to think she saw him, but he pretended not to see she says......

okay, obviously there isnt much to type a-boooot. Garrrr, shmee. its been hot.

*hi lily, dearest sauce pot*

Thursday, August 16, 2007

hark, a wenis!

slid around the school today, drenched in sweat. It was hot! Shmee is probably to blame.

almost got every thing worked out. *yay*

original orlando!

no school tomarrow...*yay again*

Shmee and I picniced.

I got defered...*wow*

parked at loni's, beat the crowd. *snigger*

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

*wind in my hair*

okay okay okay. that blog was written a bit hasty. Ill make a final decision about classes thursday. at 12:30, shmee and I are having free lunch in commons. Everyone is welcome to join us. Im a sucker for first day of classes.

over the weekend, classes didnt enter my mind. Instead, I made a few realizations.

first of all, surely, the back of a convertable at night with the top down is the only way to travel. Its like a coaster, except not as scary. and more comfortable. I finally get why people want a convertable.

wow...somehow, that twenty minute drive went on and on. twas great. just another reason to love summer.

next, I learned the place I once attended high school is no longer there. they tore it down and replaced it with a multiple story box. even more prisonlike, if thats possible.

the football field is still the same. tj's lil bro is playing football this year. hes a freshman.
*I met him when he was a small lad*
*boy hes grown. hes the same age as tj when I met him. thats disturbing.*

and, fire mountain is not a good place to eat breakfast. do not wake up early just to eat their gravy. eww.

peanut butter oreos surpass nutter butters. and thats saying something.

has anyone ever tried peanut butter pie? with cream cheese and a nutter butter cookie crust? it is one of the best church cook out deserts ever. its tied with oreo dirt cake. purrr.
dont waste your appetite on cold casseroles. go for cream cheese based deserts instead!

Monday, August 13, 2007

your mom watched the youtube debate.

Shloni, your help does mean a lot to me. I wasnt too worried about that letter, theyve never denied me money...

there are other things that I have to work through. the whole schedule is messed up. partially it was my fault, partially, I cant figure out what happened...

one of my classes disapeared. campus cruiser help desk says it was dropped. they said that if that wasnt right to call. I called. I waited, while strawdancing, while the lady searched for the drop form. wasnt there. I havent dropped any of classes, though there was one I needed to drop. It would have been awesome if it was the class I needed to drop.

anywho, she didnt have my hand written registration form, so therefore couldnt tell me anything. or help me. thats all fine because I really only need to add it back.

then drop the class I need to drop.

then add the class I was gonna take.

all this without knowing for certain whether I can pay for them?
all this for classes I dont need?

thats when I decided to just skip this semester.

well, the money and classes aside....I really want a job. honestly school was starting to get me down. Seeing you guys was really the only reason to take classes this semester.
So tomarrow im off on a job search. a serious one.

but, im still gonna visit. thursday Im still gonna be there. *free food!*

yall let me know when youve got free time. still wanna have lunch once in a while.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

oh, blah!

Its looking like Ive gotta be two places at once monday...Im choosing the one that seems more promising.

theres four plastic cups in front of me. I plan on stomping, and crushing them. Im in that type of mood.

missing a couple of minx's, a lot right now, because Ive got issues. They always have ranging opinions about stuff. Helps to sort things. Shmees good for sorting out things. When Im alone I can not sort things in my head.

Had a headache for about 3.5 days now. It comes and goes according to painkiller consumption. Been grinding my teeth and chewing on the side of my mouth. sorry if that grosses you out.

last night, got to watch a show that is slowly becoming my favorite. mind control with darren brown. Theres one thing I tried. it worked. Im ecstatic. Hes not magical, he just understands human thinking more than most people. his show comes on after ghost hunters. Last night, were three hours of reruns, but the episodes were awesome! oh, how I loved them.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

just jump in a mud puddle

this blogs for shloni: whats a deferment, and why do I need it? who do I call? I called the school yesterday about some other luscious things thats went wrong with my schedule...she didnt mention anything. I mean anything.

I wrote to tater, did he get my letter? is that what the deferments about? this shvic is confused. shes lost.

*all I know is to twirl*

yeah. I called the woman they told me to call. She didnt say how to fix the problem, just wanted to figure out what happened.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

farewell, ye bum...

I guess Im becoming redundant, but as of today, I havent received notification about whether or not Im getting financial aid. thats the deciding factor on whether or not Ill be taking classes.

Now, whether or not I do take classes, I will still be working either way. I think its about time I said good bye to the bum life, anyway.

Whatever happens though, Im sure we'll work out times when we can all eat lunch together, if not everyday or it may have to be dinner or weekends...whatever...we can do it! word! We'll all be in the same town, or same county at least, Im sure.

I would hate to give up classes, although I knew I would have to eventually...I still was looking forward to one last wild and crazy shenanigan filled school year. So....still waiting to see what happens.

Some reading this might be wondering why I dont call the school myself to find out...well, I am. Im giving them the rest of this week, since I called them with some very accusatory statements earlier this summer.

*wingardium wenis-osa!*

Monday, August 06, 2007


haha: thats like the er, counter spell to u-no-poo

haha...laughing at my own joke.

word, to cheese.

this is the most pointless blog ever.


levicheesus! thats a good one too.

Accio cheese

Thursday, August 02, 2007

cheese sandwich!

So, this summer seems to have brought a lot of changes my way.

First, and most dramatically, I learned what really goes down in the made up wizarding world of Jk Rowling. Shes a minx. An evil minx. I think shes gonna make an encyclopedia of all the characters and critters: their backgrounds, what happens to them in the future...etc. Thats going to be awesome!

Next, I was beginning to think, and still am in the back of my mind that I may not get to go to school in the fall due to money issues. This is still unresolved, I have a few more days to wait. Either way I know they will contact me. Im okay with it either way, this semester I wasnt taking any required classes. I only have one class to take and a luscious co-op...both can go down in the spring.

And last, something I never though Id say: TJ and I are talking about getting married, sometime. It sounds bigger than I think it is, because, er, we've already been together forever, so it seems. This next step seems natural. But, its not happening any time soon. *sigh* ive got things I gotta take care of. School, and a job, most of all.

whatever. this weekend I might hang out on the beach, cuz Im coming home next week! I miss everybody!

Can some one please tell me how to spell sandwich? I cant do it!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

no! not my wenis!

holy shenanigan! school's coming up!
still unsure about my financial aid. havent got my award letter. the mid-summer request for more proof that I was completely honest...put me back.
*gots my fingers crossed*
they waited til the middle of summer to ask for it, and then said they wouldnt review my request for financial aid until they got like I think it was 4 pages of forms to be filled out and signed by me and my parents and copies of everyone in my family's tax forms and w-2. all also signed.
I wouldnt even mind jumping through hoops that have been set ablaze if they give me a bit o money, otherwise, its to the saw mill for me!

eeek! I get a sinking/cold feeling in the pit of my stomach just thinking about it, especially when I realize I havent got my letter yet, and its like, what? a week and a half til school?
