Friday, October 27, 2006

oh! look at those pickles.

today, beautifully fulfilling, yet breathtakingly fast. Didnt do any actual schooling, although i was there for a long time. During which, my virginity was questioned. It can still be in question for all i care. Red, once being my favorite color of hair, now make me nausiated and looking for the nearest toilet. Mantheus, I still enjoy gazing upon your hair, you didnt keep your hair for extra attention. Its funny how so many people took that joke the wrong way. I as always, was sarcastic, and joking about the whole thing. I never felt inadequate about my luscious brown hair. you cant be happy trying to impress someone else all the time, you know. the person i want to read this probably wont. after school, went to Lily's lovely home and indulged on deliscous sandwhiches, pickles, cider and shrimp. In that order. First of all, lily makes a good sandwhich. Its weird because i dont think theres a secret to her sandwich making. they are just always soooo good. Next, those pickles, were awesome. They were homemaid, double sweet, and well, the deamiest pickles I have ever had the pleasure of tasting. I ate a bunch plain and I had a lot on my sandwhich. I could still prally eat a whole lot more. *sigh* pickles have never made me so excited. anywho, lily's homemaid cider. yes. great stuff. We watched "the others". It was great seeing shat and lily's cuz faces since theyd never seen it. Yup. that was my day. made my way home in the rain. got behind the pansiest bunch of drivers possible. too timid to speed up although it wasnt raining. grrr.

1 comment:

Maddux said...

Pickles and Sandwiches and Cider and Shrimp! OH MY!

Yes...I had a loverly time. Hope you did too, my lowve.