Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Im a Rhino! Arf. Arf.

Ive decided I am sorry, somewhat, about my comments towards professor Bell. I would rather he didnt kiss my ass. The post before that was written in haste. I hate it when something huge happens and youre not allowed to talk about it. Maybe later I can. But anywho, I wrote down my thoughts before even deciding that i should say certain things. I assure you all that I am not down on myself. I am also, as an added point, aware that I feel I have lots of potential in the graphic design field. I wont be pushed aside that easily, because I know I have a lot of good ideas, I just havent learned how to do them yet. Anywho! I hate excuses and whining. Im definatly working extra hard on the rest of my projects. Be afraid, yall.


Maddux said...

If you need any help or guidance...Just ask!...such as it may be.

Anonymous said...

I thought rhinos clucked. you do have lots of potential. and you shouldn't feel sorry, gee, aparently you said what was on a lot of people's minds

Bottlecapster said...

Stick to it V. Ideas are the hard part for me, so really your one step ahead. Learning the software will come to ya the more you do.