Friday, September 29, 2006

I could use some chapstick

Hi Friends. Im sorry to say I missed class today. I am ashamed. Sometimes its hard to get up and face the world. I had several things due today, and I sent emails to my professor. I hope he got them. I sent them to two different places, just in case he didnt check one of them. I spent 2.5 hours loading the attachment files for said assignments. Ive officially had enough of dial up. I missed seeing my friends, but Im used to missing people who I really like to spend time with, I miss TJ all the time. He and I have gotten into a habit of wanting to talk to each other all the time. We just dont run out of things to say. My mom's annoyed with me because of it. Often I get the feeling she doesnt think Im going anywhere, and she doesnt understand why I am so tired at night, or why I spend hours up ever night working. I just dont have time at school and the computer is never free until 9:30. Tonight it wasnt until 11. I spend all my time thinking about my school work, doing school work, or worrying over it. I am aware that never shows in the finished product. That bothers me. I did get some cleaning down in my room today. Now you can see the floor.


Bottlecapster said...

Do you ever go to bed with a project working away in your mind. I did that a lot last year. This year I'm so tired when I go to bed, I just pass right out. I guess because I come home from work and mind is now on that crap. So I don't even worry about it.

Anonymous said...

I understand. I actually get more done at school than at home. Don't tell, but mine tend to be rush jobs that I had figured out in full the day before and executed the day before or the day it was due...that's what all my critique junk is. And I have the same problem as bottlecapster up there....and the same problem you have....*sigh*...and you know it wouldn't be any better if we had our places....we'd fill in that time with a job (wait a minute...)

Maddux said...

Shvic! I missed you too...was wondering where you were when we had to go to lunch.
If you ever need to use the computer...come on over...even though its a fer piece to drive!
I mean it!

Anonymous said...

If you need some where to work or a comp to work on you know where i live and you are more than welcome to use mine heck the lap top is even loaded up with what we need so just come on over i know its not much closer than lilys but hey its here.

Shvic said... guys! such lovely words...Ive had a lengthy discussion about it, so hopefully its taken care of. But yeah, I drink coffee a lot, and if I havent done anything on my project at night I think about it a long time before dozing off.