Monday, August 20, 2007

theres a new sheriff in town

well, lily is our captain. but, Ive sailed some ships in my day....*shwink*

or something.

So Im now an official student....broo haha- to professors.

speaking of professors, I know tater is not imaginary after all. Hes real! I saw him! Shmee and I cat-called him.

There are, however, certain people Im beginning to think I imagined in my head. Shat, for one. I havent seen proof that he exists in months....the cafe lady seems to think she saw him, but he pretended not to see she says......

okay, obviously there isnt much to type a-boooot. Garrrr, shmee. its been hot.

*hi lily, dearest sauce pot*

1 comment:

Maddux said...


I relinquish my title of Captain, if needs be.

I leave my plight to more than capable hands....
To The Shvic!!!!!