Tuesday, August 07, 2007

farewell, ye bum...

I guess Im becoming redundant, but as of today, I havent received notification about whether or not Im getting financial aid. thats the deciding factor on whether or not Ill be taking classes.

Now, whether or not I do take classes, I will still be working either way. I think its about time I said good bye to the bum life, anyway.

Whatever happens though, Im sure we'll work out times when we can all eat lunch together, if not everyday or it may have to be dinner or weekends...whatever...we can do it! word! We'll all be in the same town, or same county at least, Im sure.

I would hate to give up classes, although I knew I would have to eventually...I still was looking forward to one last wild and crazy shenanigan filled school year. So....still waiting to see what happens.

Some reading this might be wondering why I dont call the school myself to find out...well, I am. Im giving them the rest of this week, since I called them with some very accusatory statements earlier this summer.

*wingardium wenis-osa!*


ShLoni said...

they will set up a deferment for you call vicky this week and ask her what you need to do to have everything set up. I also have not received my award letter and had to fill out all that paper work too. Kevin had to do a deferment the first year he was there. just call vicky.

Shvic said...

wait a minute...whats a deferment? who am I calling?