Saturday, December 29, 2007

argyle socks...

Hey yalls. I were going to post a Happy Christmas! blog....but geee, Christmas went fasst. So, I hope everyone had a good one. Been busy with christmas activities......and tha Teeej, whos down for a whole ten days!

been drinkin cocoa and ciders, which are both delicious but dont compare to Lily's. She should probably bottle that stuff and sell it.

Today has the been the first day I can just sit around in quietness...its kinda annoying now that Im used to being with people all the time...

bleh....vacation bliss is sorta oozing away.

Next week Im back to business....which for now, is undisclosed mischeif.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I can't help but notice your balls are a bit mis-shapened

Pete Shweaty. He is the face of christmas cheer. So is Alvin, the chipmunk.

Im looking foward to Chistmas.

So, to celebrate: Pickles will be consumed!

yay pickles!

yaow! I saw a minx today...poor dear....maybe she can use me as her personal assistant...

I can dream, can't I?

Oh, speaking of dreams..... pickles!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

cheese whiz!

tick, tick, tick! whats that sound you might ask? Well, its the sound of this semester winding down! yesh! Now, I hope I don't forget, but before I go to lily's house to partay I have to take a test online.

The last test of the year! yesh!

Monday is also a party day. But its gonna be sad...erm, Im buying eat away the pain. Its my last day of painting class, and our instructor's last day teaching, ever. Im gonna miss that man, but his health should come first.

I baked cookies this evening.... ahhh...... they smell shfantastic! theres only twelve left, the mom and the sis hit. Those wankers ate lily's cookies!


now, did yall know that "woot" is officially the word of the year? Now I'll have to stop using it. Gee Whiz!