Friday, September 29, 2006

I could use some chapstick

Hi Friends. Im sorry to say I missed class today. I am ashamed. Sometimes its hard to get up and face the world. I had several things due today, and I sent emails to my professor. I hope he got them. I sent them to two different places, just in case he didnt check one of them. I spent 2.5 hours loading the attachment files for said assignments. Ive officially had enough of dial up. I missed seeing my friends, but Im used to missing people who I really like to spend time with, I miss TJ all the time. He and I have gotten into a habit of wanting to talk to each other all the time. We just dont run out of things to say. My mom's annoyed with me because of it. Often I get the feeling she doesnt think Im going anywhere, and she doesnt understand why I am so tired at night, or why I spend hours up ever night working. I just dont have time at school and the computer is never free until 9:30. Tonight it wasnt until 11. I spend all my time thinking about my school work, doing school work, or worrying over it. I am aware that never shows in the finished product. That bothers me. I did get some cleaning down in my room today. Now you can see the floor.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Try the Snoz-berries! They taste like Snoz-berries!

Hi you guys! Im in a super-fab-tabulous mood. if you cant read that, watch the original Willie Wonka. I gotta say, I love my friends! Theyve done so much for me! Cant show or say my appreciation enough to them. Sigh....they are just too nice! I've had my ups and downs with people I thought were my friends in the past. I mean the only person I was friends with in high school that I still talk to is well, the shat. And we werent really friends then! But anywho....its nice to have friends you can really depend on, and trust. Good stuff....Today, I saw a lot of Professor Tater. I'm sure he's tired of my shananagans. Im indifferent to his. He will not win. No matter how many times he posts....haha....private joke.....

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Im a Rhino! Arf. Arf.

Ive decided I am sorry, somewhat, about my comments towards professor Bell. I would rather he didnt kiss my ass. The post before that was written in haste. I hate it when something huge happens and youre not allowed to talk about it. Maybe later I can. But anywho, I wrote down my thoughts before even deciding that i should say certain things. I assure you all that I am not down on myself. I am also, as an added point, aware that I feel I have lots of potential in the graphic design field. I wont be pushed aside that easily, because I know I have a lot of good ideas, I just havent learned how to do them yet. Anywho! I hate excuses and whining. Im definatly working extra hard on the rest of my projects. Be afraid, yall.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Who are you lurking at?

I heard this morning (by a lil birdie, a yellow one) that professor Bell was weeding out students by giving us hard-ass projects and being overly strict with his grading. We are all aware of the grade I recieved. Trying to send me a message, sir? I have one retort. Kiss my ass. You cant get rid of me that easily. You think I suck? I havent even finished learning Illustrator, and youve already judged my skills as less than average? You know, I wasnt graded at all on my graphic skills or ideas? Just because the die was wrong before I even got ahold of it, and i couldnt figure out how it went? I will overcome. Illiteracy prevails. Feather, Feather, Feather.

Stupid yo-yos

Today, this blog wont make sense to anyone but me. I learned something that could possibly change my life, if I let it. Im not ready (not sure if I will ever be) to talk about it. I dont want to say details. Dont Ask. Im just saying: everything I ever thought about myself, how I was not good enough, not important enough, and not the best, was suddenly made clear that I was right about, at the time. My feelings, the way I view myself, has of course changed drastically since then. But its heartbreaking, to realize that I was right. Those feelings will never return. Im okay. Im over this already, but not really. Fogetting will be the hardest because certain things, words and places will always remind me. Cant say some things will ever be the same.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Well, if it aint sand in my hair, and breeze between my toes

So...Another weekend gone, you say? I need a good long week to rest up. A vacation to the beach would be just the stuff. Oh! Wait! I am going to the beach! I love large bodies of water. I cant swim, however. just float, temperarily. also, the ocean is litered with the Jelly's. They freakin suck! I mean, they only hurt for a lil while, and the pain isnt that bad, but everytime i get in the water and see one, all i think about is "Oh! was that it touching me? am i being stung?" and then i go sit in the hot sand. But, I love the beach! The water reservoir just isnt as good.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Because Im a Lady Thats Why

I guess I should be ashamed but Im not about that last post. I dont have any excuses, only that I was mad and that should be reason enough. I usually do not cuss, and there are certain words I would never say under any circumstances. I didnt post yesterday, so Ill do a quick recap: went to walgreens, supposedly my pictures that I was told were sold were "blank" however no negatives to prove this claim were available. Lily, who breeds rabbits for profit and pleasure went back home to retrieve 7 bunnies that she was planning to sell. I went with her. I dont think I was very much help but I managed to wrangle two for the cause. Lily caught the other five in the same amount it took me to catch the two. On the way to Shlonis, we almost died. We then went to Mrs. Hickey's home. Shat showed up later. I thought he was already drunk. I had to leave early due to a prior engagement. (I got married) (just kidding) thats it really. While i was off with lily, i later learned, many people were tryingto get ahold of me. if i had a better phone, Mom, I would have got the calls.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Content not suitable for children

Today, Im pissed. Not at you, professor bell, unless you buy photos without looking at them before leaving. Only idiots do that. Shall I tell you why there is one said blonde on my hit list? Okay! I will! Heres how it went down: So I was totally not procrastinating this week for our photography assignment. I was done 2 days in advance. Yes! I celebrated mentally. I dropped off my photos at Walgreens, although I had heard stories. 15% discounts really cant be beat. The Blonde at the counter was chatty and spacey, but i wasnt skeerd. She'd processed my photos before. So I tell her I will get them the next day (today, now) she says Ill ring you up as 1 hour! I say no! Im not waiting...I ll be back tomarrow...this was 5:30ish. Today I go back. I was relieved to see that ditz was not there. Way too friendly to be enjoyable. I hand my claim ticket to the nice, innocent man at the counter. He looks for my pictures. and looks....and looks...and looks... and looks. He checks the computer. hands me my ticket. Says those pictures have already been purchased. Effing Impossible! I laugh in his face. Funny joke...No! Really! Find my damn pictures. He tells me they were sold at 6:19 yesterday afternoon. I was at home. I have the claim ticket. Where the hell are my pictures? Does the ditz just hand pictures to random people? whats the purpose of claim tickets? Can she read? Tommarrow, at walgreens, things will not be pretty. I know shes working tomarrow. I hope she cries.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bad Influences

Geee, Shloni. Apparently, Mrs. Hickey's van means trouble trouble trouble. We decided to go to a low quality mexican resteraunt today, instead of having class. We were with our two teachers: Professors Tator and Bell. We had a jolly-good time. "Authority" figures can sometimes be entertaining. We (as in members of the Order) took photos over at watson stage. Seriously hoping they turn out good. I had a couple creepy moments in the hallway in the back of the stage. Does anyone know if its supposed to be haunted? all i know is, Im glad shmee was there, except im not sure i would have noticed if i were alone. I kept feeling a presence behind me...grrr! creepy. I hope the picture shmee took has something in it! Class was a bit depressing. Only made 62 on Mr. Rubiks. Definately redoing! I was angry at prof. bell for about five minutes, then i realized I was the one who half-assed the thing the whole time. I am indeed a bum. Well, actually Im a serial procrastenator. I wonder if anyones noticed? Im not as bad a procrastonater as TJ, though. If you think Im bad, try getting him to get stuff done. He is Sooooo easy going about everything. He rubbed off on me, although I was already sorta that way. I got worse after I started hanging with him.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Pie-flavored skivving snackboxes

Apparently Shloni is a bad influence. She convinced Lily and I to skip class. Shame! Loni! You trickster, you! It was a good thing too, I was completly out of control during lunch and on into the afternoon. I was in a great mood. We ventured over to the bread store. I bought a cheese danish and Lily bought everyone pies. the words 'danish' and 'pie' are my favorites. as well as 'sandwich' 'shananagan' and 'wenis.' Those pies are awesome! Im still having really good thoughts about the cherry one I ate. Im unsure as to whether Im the only one who feels this way, but I hate other drivers on the road. Thats all other drivers that I have to endeur. I have to drive 20 miles to and from school everyday: 80 minutes total...give or take a few. Ive decided that if you are on the road at the same time I am, I hate you. That sounds aweful because I really dont hate people, but other drivers arent people to me...just huge metal gnats that wont stop flying around me because i cant swat at them properly. Yesh...I use profanity in my head directed at slow old people and destracted women doing their make up and other people that are in a hurry and cut me off. During all other times of the day I have quite pleasant thoughts about everyone.

Monday, September 18, 2006

hairnets: a bit dry and somewhat chewy

oh! Sweet relief! *nice stretch* mind is clear! Geee! I turned in my cube today...I think. If i get into my car and see it waiting an evil plague that you just cant repel, a rash that cremes wont remove, an infatuated boy that doesnt hear the word "no." etc. I may have a mental breakdown...or be really annoyed. either one. anywho...I am never satisfied with my work! I can always do something to it. Im that way...always wanting to make improvements. I hated that cube when it was printed! Im so ashamed! but, that moment is over. I love graphics classes. Ive got it so much better than I did in assosiate in arts world...the coolest person i ever met in those classes was shmee, shes a scientific oddity though. you dont find them like shmee: shes a nifty kid! This last week, Ive had the best lunches at school. The food wasnt anything to write home about, but everyone there was so funny... Ive found the funniest people Ive ever met...I dont think Ive ever laughed so muchin a 45 minute period. I cant recollect what was said, so now i feel bad for bringing it up.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Carry on, Carry on! As if nothing really matters...

Ahhh! home at last! cold feet as usual. Hungry, as usual. Playing online instead of doing work i need to have done tomarrow, as usual. Nothings changed! Im just happy because this time tommarow, I dont have to think about rubiks cubes ever again. Thats excluding the ceremonial burning of mock copy I spent way too much time twiddling with. I do have everything ready to be printed tomarow...counting on a woman whom Ive never met to decide my fate. Better be there, you beastly woman or theres a few choice words about how grotesque your wenis is will be thrown your way. Im unsure how well this is going to turn out. But hey, living on the edge is fun! Still cant honestly admit to understanding how that cube goes correctly. Theres just some things i dont know, and dont want to know how they work. Rubiks cubes, computers, microwaves, cheese-its, snow globes, those therometers that have balls floating in water....etc. I Dont Want To Know! Please let me stay in the dark! I need to save my mind storage for the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody and all the lines in Dirty Dancing! Way more important!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I didnt post yesterday. Bad! shvic! but...I had good reason. We traveled 6 hrs. to virginia to visit my boyfriend, TJ. We didnt get there until 12. *sigh* Anywho... I went to kings dominion today. For those who dont know: its a lot like carowinds, being owned by the same company. This time, I refused to ride any of the scary rides. I had a loverly day, but my legs are tard. I may be, at this very moment, missing lily's party. I am however there in spirit...causing shananagans.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The word Rubik's is now on the dirty list

Well, today was just as uneventful as yesterday. Of all the classes Im in, one class in particular is taking all my energies; seeing as how I was lost and confused on my assignment for several weeks. Its due monday, and well, we shall see whether I get it turned in. Im not one to stress about stuff like that, so Im not freaking out. I still have 4 days...

In other news, tomarrow's friday. YAY!

The weather was awesome, today, by the way. My only complaint, my good pal Lily wasnt at school very long. Shmee and I barely made it through without her. Lunch just wasnt the same. If your reading Lily: we missed you!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Oh! Look! A Unicorn!

Hi guys! This is my first blog ever, and I have to say I am very excited. Oddly enough, Ive had my own blog playing in my head for many years and Im glad to let this stuff out! Im not much of a whiner, but, and not saying I will a lot, this is my blog, and Ill do what I want! That being said, though, I have nothing to whine, gripe, or fuss about. Today, excluding the nasty weather, was a perfectly loverly day. So...this concludes my debut blog: thanks so much for reading and I hopefully will see you again tomarrow!