Wednesday, July 25, 2007

ooh! you look much tastier than crabbe and goyle, harry!

Starting to wonder if anything matters now that I know the truth...Harry Potter-wise I mean. I loved that book. The anticipation, though, got the best of me. there were a few things, now that I have started to reread thats left me disappointed. and, dang it, I cant share them here. Im not in the habit of spoiling things.

although, its Tuesday and young ladies, you should be done by now. shmee, I saw is. I dont really think life will be the same.

well, now, Im not saying that HP is that important...important enough to determine my own happiness. But for years its been one of my favorite things in life. some people have baseball, some have nail painting, some have nose picking.....I have hp.

Saturday I was asked "why dont you just watch the movie?" um, huh? yes, that makes sense. who needs to read anyway? I mean...

okay okay Ill stop.

I understand that some just don't get. and that is fine. Id rather not have to explain myself constantly, or at all, though.

anywho, Id like some lunch. rejoice dear readers though: this is probably my last hp blog. sadly theres nothing left to say.


Anonymous said...

I understand completely man...completely

ShLoni said...

i just got the book 2 days ago and have not been able to sit and read non stop i am happy you have decide not to spoil it if you do oh dear please entitle the blog LONI DONT READ THIS lol miss you much

Maddux said...

I really loved it.

I was in quite a state after the reading. Very sad...not that the ending was sad...I just had this sad feeling.

I thought it was AWESOME!
When Harry came back at the last...and had his little showdown in front of the whole school with Voldymort....that was all the vindication that a boy would ever need!

Freakin awesome.

Was sad about Fred.
Tonks AND Lupin??

Who raised Teddy?

Where was the punishment we were promised for Toadface??
I missed that.

I retold what I could to my mom the day after I read it...
I couldn't keep from crying when I told about his parents and then sirius and lupin "ghosts" greeted him in the woods when he went to meed voldymort.
I don't know why...that was just an emotional moment for me.
He knew what he had to do...and he wasn't afraid. ...emotional!!

Then at the end...Ginny...Albus Severus, Lily, and James!

What does Harry do for a living?
He probably doesn't have to do anything after saving the wizarding race....

Maddux said...

Typos and ALL!