Friday, November 17, 2006

Grand theft cup

Today, is crazy. Getting to everything late. Shmee skipped class, and we stood in Taters office watching wanker videos. 5 minutes before class, we remebered we had photos due today. So we raced over to Eckerds to pick them up. When we got back, only studious and red were left. Making out, of course. Everyone else was gone, so the four of us, after shmee had a heated phone conversation, went to Dooley's. It wasnt bad. Had a Dooleys wrap, and, in my drunken state, (unsure how they make the water there or what they put in it) I stole the cup and had to return it. Everyone else in there was drunk too, so I wasnt embarrassed. Red was a whole lot more interesting than I figured. She only dropped the f-bomb once, to my knowledge. I learned some things about her today, that i never would have guessed normally. Studious told us some cute stories about his son. Lovely conversation through the whole lunch. should be taking advantage of the quiet alone time I have in here, but instead Im blogging. Im such a bum.


Anonymous said...

you are not a bum, I'm blogging too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Shvic....Missed y'all today.