Sunday, September 17, 2006

Carry on, Carry on! As if nothing really matters...

Ahhh! home at last! cold feet as usual. Hungry, as usual. Playing online instead of doing work i need to have done tomarrow, as usual. Nothings changed! Im just happy because this time tommarow, I dont have to think about rubiks cubes ever again. Thats excluding the ceremonial burning of mock copy I spent way too much time twiddling with. I do have everything ready to be printed tomarow...counting on a woman whom Ive never met to decide my fate. Better be there, you beastly woman or theres a few choice words about how grotesque your wenis is will be thrown your way. Im unsure how well this is going to turn out. But hey, living on the edge is fun! Still cant honestly admit to understanding how that cube goes correctly. Theres just some things i dont know, and dont want to know how they work. Rubiks cubes, computers, microwaves, cheese-its, snow globes, those therometers that have balls floating in water....etc. I Dont Want To Know! Please let me stay in the dark! I need to save my mind storage for the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody and all the lines in Dirty Dancing! Way more important!


Maddux said...

Ohh..that's so great. Once again, your point-of-view is stellar!

Loves ya Shvic!

Maddux said...

And yes...we should have a burning ceremony...who has a lighter?

Anonymous said...

"I've got chiiills! They're multiplyin'"...o wait, wrong movie....."baby, o sweet baby, you're the one.." better?

Shvic said...

haha...I was thinking more like: "me? Im scared of everything! Im scared of what I saw, of what i did, who I am, but most of all, im scared ill walk out of this room and never, feel in my whole life, the way i feel when im with you!" thats for you shmee! wink wink...yeah, I had a lot of time to waste through the years...

Anonymous said...

thank's baby...uh, I mean shvic *sigh* I've had the time of my life with you...never felt like this before....and're like the wind!