Wednesday, June 04, 2008

rich, creamy and so delicious you wont believe it comes in a bottle

This Fall, I will have had this blog for two years, I think (it may be three....I dont know....I regret bringing it up now) but, this past week, was the first time I have ever got a spam comment. Ive really made into the world! Or something. ...... So, several of us graphic design kids graduated a couple of weeks ago ( speaking of making it into the world) Instead of going to graduation though, Shmee and I got our hairs cut instead. We are short haired ladies now. Oh yesh. or, EEEEk . I can't really decide which, it just depends on the day really. Shmee's is cute though. She can't help but be cute, she would tell you herself if she were here. Okay, so Im rambling.... better end this one too.

All of my tattoos are spelled correctly

Ever since I was a young lass I loved comercials. not just any lame commercials though, I like funny ones. And, since we had advertising and sales promotion Ive became re-immersed into the delight of a good commercial. Right now, my favorite is a T-Mobile one which higlights the escapades of a member of the Peppermint Boys. He is obviously harmonizing with the other members of the group. He joyously proclaims, in tune- "She was a pie faced beauty!" and my absolute favorite- "Her Tattoos were spelled correctly..." which is really a catchy tune. I successfully got it stuck my sisters head. HAHA Anywho, for some reason I can't enter down to the next line to start a new paragraph, so I'll wrap this post up.... Now.