Monday, February 26, 2007

Dont Ignore the Cheese

well, I have to say that lily is Academically Excellent. Thats super exciting!
got a meeting at a restaurant that's main theme is horses, that twirl around attached with sticks in their backs while children ride upon them. Fiddledick.
So this weekend I took some more night shots, which hopefully will turn out a bit more successful. Had every intention of doing star trails, but it was cloudy. While out there, in the distance, there were cats calling each other. Long drawn out meows. Twas weird. Never heard cats doing that. I suppose its mating season in N. Shwilkes. Watch out, Shmee. You do live there. Gotta continue getting photos for scavenger hunt, but Im still waiting for a clear night for star trails...*sigh*
Whatever, Ive got to get back to work. I really wanna get some things finished. Luckily spring break is next week, and I have big plans.

Friday, February 23, 2007

this game spoke to me

Yup, the bloglessness is contagious. But nothing much really has happened. Monday night went shooting in Winston. Apparently, Im getting old cause I cant handle the staying up late. Had a great time. Went to a greek resteraunt. I lurve me some greek food. While downtown, I was somewhat cold. But at old salem, the winds died down a bit.

My photos from that night didnt turn out so good...This weekend, trying again. Definitely attempting some star trails, since they do tend to be so bright in my kingdom.

Missing lily, who isnt here at the moment.

Shmee caught a spook on her photos of old salem. It was exciting. Im glad that I didnt actually see a ghost while there, especially when I was in the library. I did have to use the rest room, and the had cut all the lights out in the building.

lily's just came in. yay!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Not the Scurvy!

Due to the immense lack of sun exposure, and drought of orange juice, Scurvy, a rare disease, has returned. Scurvy is real. Protect yourself. Drink orange juice. yes. Today when someone scathingly asked me why I drink such a disgusting orange beverage, I told them that I was making sure I didn't get scurvy.

Back in my pirating days I encountered many scurvy-infested bearded men. I gotta say: I never wanna be in a bad way such as that.

Anywho, Saturday lily and I shot a wedding. My first one. It went well, considering the shocking amount of battery eating that my camera did. Lily got some awesome shots. Ange got some funny ones too. There were some that I was happy with that I took as well. Hopefully the bride will really like them.

Lily gave me a framed photo of me, causing shenanigans on the parking deck...Ill treasure it forever. It has awesome lines and the colors are super bright.

Took shat with me to cafe to get breakfast. Because he was there, the cafe ladies gave me a huge chunk of chicken on my croissant. Yum!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Easily amused

yesterday, laughed like a madman. All day. laughed so much I had a slight cough. Got home and slept. Nice!

Had to include quotes on my book cover. Lily made up false aliases. The reviews I found didnt have the peoples names. But I swear, some of them really did say "This was the first book I ever read...." I mean, gee! How could I resist using them?

Lily's names included Krissy Manks (I've used this name before on some of joan's assignments) Norton McDougall, and Shakina Benge (my personal favorite) .

My other quotes were, and I promise people actually said this:

"This book spoke to me"
"This is the best book I ever read"
"When I finished the book I hungered for more"
and the best:

"This was the first book I ever read, and it made me want to read others"
okay, I made that one up.

more amusement ensued after typography when playing with the speaking widget, not funny until you change its voice. Just imagine, in a sing-songy voice "Tater eats potatoes..." Yes, Shmee and I were still laughing going home.

During my laughing fits, I came upon Shat's sister, who looked frightened. She hasnt experienced me, yet, I suppose.

Shmee and I learned what we really mean when we call someone sweet. Now we have a special code, all thanks to sparky. Since then, Ive noticed when girls say sweetie, or call someone sweet. I can only assume that its true.

Dang, I am easily amused.

But I am also easily annoyed. *cough*

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

lingering odors

So, last weekend visited the Teeej. The main theme all weekend was lingering smells. All of which had nothing to do with me. Teeej had a shadow. Teakettle was there every step he made...nice. He let off when I suggested viewing ladies underwear. That always works...or trying to hold his hand. He hates that...*giggles* He gives me all sorts of trouble so its been slow getting back at him. Unfortunately, he adds even more trouble every time I see him.

Blind date stories....Wow! Lily's back. Life is officially back to normal.

Cheese is a drug, and Im an addict.

My new favorite word is fiddledick. I use it when ever I can. I think it may have offended a few people at lunch yesterday.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

poppycock, revisted.

Poppycock is my favorite word.

Hand tinting is required for our next assignment. Lily and I have already went over that. Im super excited. Lily isnt here. *tears* hand holding.....or something.

Yesterday, while we were all excessively priced for a piece of chicken, Shat got a huge discount. Who've you been kissing, shat? *Cough* maybe he has a thang for hairnets too, huh?

Seems we missed a super time last night. errr...sorry getting home at one o'clock would not have been fun.

Apparently, Chad is a big fat liar.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Got my photos developed today too. Our professor of photography had warned us of the dangers of Wal-mart, so I ventured back to the other wal: walgreens.
Trouble was a'brewin, and we should have known because he said that they were having some trouble and it would be longer than an hour. Whatever....just missing a sunny afternoon sipping hot tea with my feet on the heater to listen to a class Ive already taken.
Shmee's 'boyfriend' kept asking me questions about the assignment even though Ive plainly stated more than once to him that I am not in that class. I took that class last semester.
Whatever. an hour and a half later I skip up to the photo guy. He says it'll be another 45 min. so I happily tell him: I can wait.
So, slowly, for an hour, I proceed to investigate the entire store. inch for inch. I got outta there with my photos at 3:30....thats 2 and a half hours to develop 1 hour photos...
While apologizing, the man mentions that it usually takes 15 min. to complete such a task. PoppyCock! I say.
Poor lily still doesnt have hers and she left them before shmee and I did.

the pictures I got back werent that bad! I was pleased by most. however...somewhere my entire collection of journalism and still-lifes werent on the cd's...hrmm...looks like resubmission is in order, if professor t-way allows.

Id like to leave my blog in silent thought of lily's late beloved cat. Every time I think of that beautiful creature in the back of my mind I hear a girlish scream echoing from lily's toilet. Shat in shock...Thank you, my dear friend. I'll miss him. but i still have fond memories.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

snow-less kingdom

err....Im confused. Wheres the snow? Okay, Ill admit it did snow a lil today. but its already melted away. took some nice photos that Ill post on flickr later tonight. Yesterday card playing was amazing. I need practice though. Shmee, I learned is a ruthless card-playing, skipping minx! Whatever, missed the rest of the gang though...and let me tell yall: you missed original, luscious Orlando! He came back for a brief appearance just for the foot-long corn dogs! wow. they were delicious. Corn dogs are better foot long, I have decided. Gave the sis a haircut...she was recovering from a semi-mullet. but shes so much better now.