Monday, January 29, 2007

Snow-crapped porch, or something

yup. It snowed. Heres the proof:

My cut. Added layers in case your a wondering. This is mostly for TJ's sake.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Its beginning to look a lot like february

Hi yall. Its snowing. Ahhhh.....beautifully. Itll probably be gone in the morning though. The sis and I have decided that its only snowing on our lil hill, because the weather forcast only mentioned cold winds a'blowing. Anywho, I have shmees home phone now, just in case.

Crossing Jordan is on. Nice.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

honesty, at last

Its time for me to make a confession. Enough is enough. This morning a realization came upon me, like a slap in the face. I have a problem. It started in middle school. I was curious. Maybe my friend gave me some, or I got it independently. Cant remember which. But it seems a good part of my life has wrapped around it. Everyday twice a day I use it. When I havent had it, I think of it. Sometimes, driving down the road, I feel the need to pull over and pull it out of my purse. Do I have a problem? yes. But I had no idea it was so serious. I found out this morning I am one of millions. The millions of men and women adicted to lip balm. and let me tell you, Im not about to quit. So back off.


Today I got a haircut! Im telling the few who read this, (Im not hopeful that many read this anymore) so monday youll actually know whats different about me. Instead of staring with a blank look on your face.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

theres no pirates in idaho

A lot has happened in the past two days. things that obviously happened but i missed completely. It may have been right in front of me, and I did not even notice. Errr, living in my own world maybe? Tuning out a little too much? I know for a fact I got work done yesterday and today. does that mean I missed the most fascinating hard-core scandel this semester? Err...I guess not. I hope not. Wheres E-news about the wcc graphic design department? hrrrm? Will the world ever get explantions? no, prally not. Vagueness, denial, defensiveness...and that was just me and shmee's ride home.

No, really. I had a nice lunch. that 2nd class mexican resteraunt was good. I did giggle a lot. My purse spilled over. But I missed lily, to whom I would like to be a faithful sidekick, or something.

Tomarrow is friday. Yay! cant wait for sleep. And a haircut. Hopefully saturday Ill have both.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Whos blog is this?

yall may have noticed my new layout. The pink was making me nauseated. Hope yall enjoy. I like it a lot. Its more me-ish. Id like to learn to make my own. One day, when I have the time. But anywho. Sees yall later

Alright, meow

Today the gang all went to the japanese resteraunt down town. It was lovely and I had missed our little outings. Turned in my typography assignment. It was of the word Dragon. It turned the letters into scales and pot claws, talons, an eye and a wing on it. I like pictures with added surprises that you dont see at first and thats what I wanted to do. Next up, is the book cover. Still unsure what Im going to do. Currently dont have any ideas. keep hitting my #1 pin drive with the knee. Its severly bent. I think it's days are numbered. still hoping not though, because I love it. Its like Harry, when his first broom, the nimbus 2000 got swept away and ruined in the whomping willow. Im comparring my pin drive to Harry Potter. I do kindly do that alot. Harry relates to me in many ways. Dont think I should share the rest. Bought some new sharpies. they made my day brighter. Shmee bought some as well. She probably will have a good afternoon. Our class, which I was at first really hyper through, is now subdued. Im a bit sleepy. Im gonna need some coffee to make it through the rest of the afternoon. Chad did good on our assignment. I think Ill have fun with this one. Gotta take the last ten black and white before I can start though.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Icy -crusted wenis?

Hi yall. Ive been trying to get of hold of shmee via the telly, but no success. Uncomfortable driving in the current conditions around myself. I have been watching the news and I do reckon that the ice is melting, and apparently non-existant at our school, but it is definatly still present, abundantly so here at my house. I apparently live in the darkest, coldest corner of the county...or something. Theres portions of my road that are still questionable. And therefore unsure if I should even try. Shmee: Im sorry I couldnt get ahold of you sooner. Im so ashamed!

Ooo.... Wide legged jeans are coming back! People of 1998 rejoice. For me, they never really left.

Friday, January 19, 2007

alone in the dark, shattiness...

So I didnt get the message about class being canceled. So I came in er.....3 hours early for portfolio. Shat hadn't gotten the message either, he was sitting in the dark playing...alone. *cough* I played with him a little, until another student who hadnt got the message either came in. I need to start checking the email at night. Shat just blew up. That does stink, shat. I dont get any signal in the new classroom. That makes me a little sad. Looking forward to eating lunch. They make a delicious hotdog. I found that out yesterday.

Got meself a new kitten...well, sorta. It ran in the doesnt belong to any of my three neighbors. My sister is a wee bit attached to it. Thats fine with me, because Im not that big on cats anymore. My dog hates cats too and barks at this new tiny kritter in excessive amounts.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Snowy/rainy days

welps... Today at school I was....*sniffle* alone. Well, not completely. But I was missing two very important minxes. Lily! Shmee! I miss you two! I think I may go on home, seeing as how we wont have a teach in typography. Shlonster will be there but she has proclaimed that there isnt much going on in there. Guess Ill skedadle home and work instead. Squeaky feet keep distracting me. I reckon I will slowly make my way home. Gotta be cautious on days like this. Lily, Shmee: I miss you! Shmee....where are ya? Im so cold...and and and it has nothing to do with the weather.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My first days back at school had one central theme. Pie. Thats right, pie. Everywhere. Apparently thats what the people want. And yes, I had some. We all did. Creamy, sweet......delightful. Stude had some of Ambi's- Right in front of us! Shameful. Shat and I had pie before we even had lunch. The anticipation of lunch was better than the actual lunch. Work is going good. Should be doing some right now. but I had this on my mind and I couldnt stop thinking about it. Pie. Ill say it again. Pie.

Friday, January 12, 2007

This is my Wenis. It is the Wenis that will make me famous.

Today is the last day I will be in Virginia. Leaving this afternoon. 6hrs plus stopping to eat and to get gas....reckon we'll be home around midnights. But anywho, this town is not the coolest place to live. I prefer trees. and grass. and cows. Tuesday, cant wait to see you guys. Looking forward to talking to people who can understand what Im saying or dont talk to me as if Im stupid. I get that a lot around here. Usually I dont try to open my mouth. Just smile and nod. Gonna miss seeing TJ everyday...thats the only part though.

For typography Im either gonna use Shenanigan or Evanescent. I was supposed to choose three but I have this huge blankness come over my brain. Cant think of nothing today. Same for the group work. Lily's idea is awesome! I was reading it and I was like...Come on self! you can think of stuff to go with that! but, brain just wouldnt do it. Shmee: Word to your mommy! It has to be weird not riding with me to school anymore. Im not sure I can handle it. So has there been card playing? Real Orlando still not back? Has Chad given us an assignment yet? Life without school is, er, uneventful.

oh! this is a message to stude, the other member of the modeling club. I watched the America's Next Top Model marathon last week and got some awesome ideas. They also appear to have taken some of your famous poses and claimed them as their own. I was shocked! to say the least...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Clink! poof...

hey yall...things here are slightly uneventful. getting all my work together. Hoping Im not missing any critiques today that I dont know about. In graphic 3 Im super excited about the group...Im hearing (or reading in this case) crazy good ideas from them. In portfolio Im redoing my self illustration. I stared at it all through Christmas break thinking all the things I could have done differently. Doing it this time on illustrator (not photoshop) Everythings coming out so much smoother. Got face and hair done. next redoing wings. everything Im doing this time is stuff I drew originally. Im also putting in a background of some kind. Ahhh....Typography the word assignment. Still undecided about that one. May use a word from harry potter. I have no idea about photography since as of last time I checked, there were no assignments posted. Anyone got an idea? Whatever though, I am trying to stay on top of things. Miss you guys. Hope everyone is good.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

yeah. Its a pain in the ass. And I hate it. But I made promises to help out all week. They are really depending on me and its not in my nature to break promises and let people down. I really did not know school was starting freaking tomarrow. Seriously I thought it was next week. So now Im letting down all of yall, our teachers and stuff and Im so sorry for that. I really do want to be back in school now that I know that it is starting tomarrow. I feel like I cant win either way...but Im keeping my promise and sticking to it. I miss seeing all of yall. I wont be at home, so if yall want my new cell number just email me at myspace or something. I hate myself at the moment. I dont do that often. Im always saying the wrong thing and getting myself in these situations. whatever, though. I need to stop freaking out because this really isnt in my nature. Im so sorry you guys.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

deja vu?

I cant believe this is happening again. Im going to have to miss the first week of class. Unbelievable. Is it a curse? This morning, I realized, that classes start on monday. I was thinking they start on tuesday, the 16th. I felt for sure that was when they started. Yes. I am officially a retard. Am I mad at myself? yes. But can I make it class monday? does not look that way. Theres no possible way. Beating myself abruptly on the head, right now. Emailed our professors. Hoping so badly they will forgive. Almost had a heart attack earlier today. Really angry at myself. More to come later, when I like myself again.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Deathly Hallows

okay, so I can finally go back to blogging again. Its been hectic for the last week, or so...but finally things have calmed down. Heres a quick recap: Christmas, for me basically started Saturday...visiting relatives, drinking spiced cider(couldnt come close to lilys by the way), eating questionable cookies, a crazy amount of shrimp, lots of ham(cant complain there) laughed a lot, ran around the county of shwilkes. Didnt stay in my kingdom a lot...except to sleep and drink coffee....errr...also left the county itself a couple o' times. I did visit lily...had a great time being a bum. Shes introduced me to british movies: I enjoy their subtle humor. Her mom made some cookies...the type you could eat all day. Oh! a jar of pickles...they are so beautiful *give me moment to dream about said pickles* okay, Im back. I say okay a lot.

only four classes this semester. Woot! last semester...Im lucky I didnt fail anything. There is a ballerina twirling in my head.

Missing the order. I talk about them excessively. "theres one time me and shmee..." or "lily said this, it was so funny..." you know, everything reminds me of one of you guys all the time. Last night I had some milky way hot cocoa....purrr I want to bring some to shmee...yes, shmee you would have loved it.

Promise I can blog a lot again. Stopped running around until the semester starts again...ahhh...*stretch, yawn* nice to not have to be anywhere or do anything all day...the first time in um I dont know how long.

oh...the title of this blog is the title of the seventh and last Harry Potter book. Happy, excited, sad, looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time.